首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical computer science >Internal models of system F for decompilation

Internal models of system F for decompilation


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This paper considers Girard's internal coding of each term of System F by some term of a code type. This coding is the type-erasing coding definable already in the simply typed lambda-calculus using only abstraction on term variables. It is shown that there does not exist any decompiler for System F in System F, where the decompiler maps a term of System F to its code. An internal model of F is given by interpreting each type of F by some type equipped with maps between the type and the code type. This paper gives a decompiler-normalizer for this internal model in F, where the decompiler-normalizer maps any term of the internal model to the code of its normal form. It is also shown that for any model of F the composition of this internal model and the model produces another model of F whose equational theory is below untyped beta-eta-equality.



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