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Universal algebra and hardness results for constraint satisfaction problems


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We present algebraic conditions on constraint languages Г that ensure the hardness of the constraint satisfaction problem CSP(Г) for complexity classes L, NL, P, NP and Mod{sub}pL. These criteria also give non-expressibility results for various restrictions of Datalog. Furthermore, we show that if CSP(Г) is not first-order definable then it is L-hard. Our proofs rely on tame congruence theory and on a fine-grain analysis of the complexity of reductions used in the algebraic study of CSP. The results pave the way for a refinement of the dichotomy conjecture stating that each CSP(Г) lies in P or is NP-complete and they match the recent classification of [E. Allender, M. Bauland, N. Immerman, H. Schnoor, H. Vollmer, The complexity of satisfiability problems: Refining Schaefer's theorem, in: Proc. 30 th Math. Found, of Comp. Sci., MFCS'05, 2005, pp. 71-82] for Boolean CSP. We also infer a partial classification theorem for the complexity of CSP(Г) when the associated algebra of Г is the full idempotent reduct of a preprimal algebra.
机译:我们提出了关于约束语言Г的代数条件,这些条件确保了复杂度等级L,NL,P,NP和Mod {sub} pL的约束满足问题CSP(Г)的难度。这些标准还为Datalog的各种限制提供了不可表达的结果。此外,我们证明了如果CSP(Г)不是一阶可定义的,则它是L难的。我们的证明依赖于驯服的同余理论以及对CSP代数研究中所使用的约简复杂度的细粒度分析。结果为二分法猜想的完善铺平了道路,该二分法猜想表明每个CSP(Г)位于P或NP完全,并且与[E. Allender,M。Bauland,N。Immerman,H。Schnoor,H。Vollmer,可满足性问题的复杂性:完善Schaefer定理,Proc。数学三十找到了Comp。 Sci。,MFCS'05,2005,pp.71-82],用于布尔CSP。当Г的相关代数是本原代数的全幂等式约简时,我们还推论出CSP(Г)的复杂性的部分分类定理。



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