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A Festschrift in honor of Akira Imamura's 77th birthday, his recent retirement, and his many contributions to theoretical chemistry

机译:为纪念今村彰(Akira Imamura)诞辰77周年,他最近退休以及他对理论化学的许多贡献而举行的纪念日

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The Imamura Festschrift Issue of Theoretical Chemistry Accounts is a special multifocus international issue commemorating the 77th birthday of Professor Akira Imamura and his many contributions to the fields of theoretical chemistry, polymer science, molecular biophysics, chemical physics, and molecular biology. This issue has contributions in theoretical developments of methods applicable to larger polymeric systems, for example, the elongation method pioneered by Professor Imamura and his group, and more recently by the groups of Professor Yuriko Aoki atKyushu University and Professor Feng Long Gu at South China Normal University, supported by several funds from the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). In addition, there are contributions from top experimental and theoretical groups in the areas of nanotechnology, bionanotechnology, quantum transport theory, molecular biophysics, molecular electronics, and even molecular medicine and medical diagnostics, where the marriage between theory and experiment is very important to be able to fully understand, interpret, and utilize the wealth of new and exciting experimental data. The development of new and refined methods, and the extension of older more conventional methods, will be required for these fields to continue to evolve/co-evolve and develop, as they have in the last 60 years. But to evolve in a guided fashion (guided evolution), that is, to meet the needs and functions of not only the individual scientists and research groups but also of society in general, will require a concerted effort from not only experimentalists and theoreticians in each individual subdiscipline but also for them to work together and share their accumulated knowledge and experience, as is now being done in various research networks around the world, including the one originally initiated/ formed by Professor Imamura and Professor Janos Ladik at the Third International Congress of Quantum Chemistry (ICQC) in Kyoto, Japan. Through this network, Professor Imamura has been able to pass on a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and experience to the current and future generations of scientists in Germany, the United States, and China, as Professor Imamura is still doing with his lectures both in Japan at Kyushu University and in China at South China Normal University, and previously in Erlangen at the University of Erlangen, in Heidelberg at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Germany, and in Ithaca, New York at Cornell University in the United States. He has been a real example of the modern protean research scientist andprofessor who has continued to be in research and teaching, active well beyond the formerly set retirement age of 63 or 65 set by society. The idea that researchers and professors cannot be active in their 60s, 70s, and 80s has now also been shown to be a misconception that needs to be corrected at the funding and institutional levels. Too many very active, knowledgeable, and experienced researchers and professors have been forced to stand on the sidelines, while those who have replaced them have very little practical knowledge, expertise, and more importantly, life experience. A whole generation of young academics are being hired who have never worked a day in industry, never visited an industrial laboratory and/or research group, and hence are unable, (don't know) and in many cases, unwilling to train and educate their students with the skills they need to not only work in industry but also to create new and exciting new industries. The idea that the large chemical and pharmaceutical companies and government laboartories will hire all of the ever increasing numbers of undergraduate and graduate (MSc and PhD) students no longer applies. The university mission is no longer just to teach, give knowledge, and to do research, but also to innovate, that is, to train the students to take their acquired knowledge from their text books and apply it with the newly acquired knowledge
机译:Imamura Festschrift理论化学帐户专刊是纪念Imamura Imamura教授诞辰77周年及其对理论化学,高分子科学,分子生物物理学,化学物理学和分子生物学领域做出的许多贡献的特殊国际专题。该问题对适用于大型聚合物体系的方法的理论发展做出了贡献,例如,今村教授及其研究小组,九州大学青木百合子教授和华南师范大学古龙峰教授率先提出的延伸方法。大学,由日本科学技术厅(JST)资助。此外,纳米技术,生物纳米技术,量子传输理论,分子生物物理学,分子电子学,甚至分子医学和医学诊断领域的顶级实验和理论研究小组做出了贡献,其中理论与实验之间的结合非常重要。能够完全理解,解释和利用大量新颖有趣的实验数据。与过去60年一样,这些领域的不断发展/共同发展,将需要开发新的和改进的方法,以及扩展较旧的传统方法。但是,要以一种指导的方式进行进化(即指导的进化),即要满足各个科学家和研究小组以及整个社会的需求和功能,不仅需要实验者和理论家的共同努力,各个子学科,但也可以让他们一起工作,并分享他们积累的知识和经验,就像世界各地各种研究网络中所做的一样,其中包括由Imamura教授和Janos Ladik教授最初在第三届国际会议上发起/组建的一个研究网络。日本京都的量子化学(ICQC)。通过这个网络,今村教授得以将丰富的知识,专业知识和经验传授给德国,美国和中国的今世后代科学家,因为今村教授仍在继续他的演讲。在九州大学的日本,在华南师范大学的中国,以及先前在埃尔兰根大学的埃尔兰根,在德国海德堡的德国癌症研究中心(DKFZ),以及在纽约的伊萨卡市的美国康奈尔大学。他一直是现代蛋白质研究科学家和教授的真实典范,他继续从事研究和教学工作,其活跃度远远超过了社会规定的63岁或65岁退休年龄。研究人员和教授不能在60年代,70年代和80年代活跃的想法现在也被证明是一种误解,需要在资金和机构层面进行纠正。太多的非常活跃,知识渊博,经验丰富的研究人员和教授被迫站在一边,而那些取代他们的人则几乎没有实践知识,专业知识,更重要的是,生活经验。招聘了一代年轻的学者,他们从未在工业界工作一天,从未去过工业实验室和/或研究小组,因此无法(不知道),并且在许多情况下不愿意培训和教育他们的学生不仅拥有在行业中工作所需的技能,而且还创造了令人振奋的新行业。大型化学和制药公司以及政府机关将雇用越来越多的本科生和研究生(理学硕士和博士学位)的想法不再适用。大学的使命不仅是教学,传授知识和进行研究,而且是创新,即训练学生从课本中获取所学知识并将其与新学到的知识一起应用



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