首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical chemistry accounts >Gas-phase enthalpies of formation, acidities, and strain energies of the [m, n]polyprismanes (m ≥2; n = 3-8; m x n ≤ 16): a CBS-Q//B3, G4MP2, and G4 theoretical study

Gas-phase enthalpies of formation, acidities, and strain energies of the [m, n]polyprismanes (m ≥2; n = 3-8; m x n ≤ 16): a CBS-Q//B3, G4MP2, and G4 theoretical study

机译:[m,n]多元长相体的气相焓,酸度和应变能(m≥2; n = 3-8; m x n≤16):CBS-Q // B3,G4MP2和G4理论研究

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Gas-phase standard state (298.15 K, 1 atm) enthalpies of formation (Δ_fH°_((g))) and enthalpies (Δ_(acid)H°_((g))) and free energies (Δ_(acid)G°_((g)))) of acid dissociation were calculated for the [m, n]polyprismanes (m ≥ 2; n = 3-8; m x n ≤ 16) using the composite method CBS-Q//B3, G4MP2, and G4 levels of theory. Excellent agreement was obtained between the theoretical estimates and experimental values for [2, 4]polyprismane (cubane), the only member with reliable experimental data. Gas-phase acidities of the [2, 3], [2, 4], and [2, 5]polyprismanes correlate well with percent s-character of the C-H bonds as determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Based on this correlation, and calculations on the [2, n] (n = 3-8) series, no substantial change in the gas-phase acidity or C-H bond s-character is expected with increasing [2,n] polyprismane ring size at n = 6-8. Where three or more stacked [m, n]polyprismane rings are present (m > 2), geometry optimizations for the deprotonated anions converged on cage-opened non-prismatic geometries, suggesting these compounds may be structurally unstable to gas-phase deprotonation/protonation cycles and potentially preventing reliable experimental measurement or calculation of their acidities. Total strain energies (E_(str)) increase with larger [m, n]polyprismane size, and strain energies per one C-C bond (E_(str)~(CC)) increase with increasing stack height within a given ring size series. Within a given stack height, E_(str)~(CC) reaches a minimum with a ring size of five, increasing with either decreasing or increasing ring size away from this minima. E_(str) and E_(str)~(CC) do not correlate with gas-phase acidity, likely because the deprotonated anionic [2, n]polyprismane geometry retains approximately equal strain as the undis-sociated species despite substantial geometry changes due to carbon acid dissociation.
机译:气相标准态(298.15 K,1 atm)的形成焓(Δ_fH°_((g)))和焓(Δ_(acid)H°_((g)))和自由能(Δ_(acid)G使用复合方法CBS-Q // B3,G4MP2,计算[m,n]多元(m≥2; n = 3-8; mxn≤16)的酸解离度°_((g))))。和G4的理论水平。对于[2,4]聚pr烷(古巴),只有唯一具有可靠实验数据的成员,其理论估计值与实验值之间取得了极好的一致性。 [2,3],[2,4]和[2,5]多棱烷的气相酸性与通过核磁共振波谱确定的C-H键的s-字符百分数密切相关。基于此相关性,并根据[2,n](n = 3-8)系列进行的计算,随着[2,n]聚pr烷环尺寸的增加,预计气相酸度或CH键的s特性不会发生实质性变化在n = 6-8。当存在三个或更多堆叠的[m,n]聚丙环(m> 2)时,去质子化阴离子的几何优化收敛于笼式打开的非棱镜性几何结构,表明这些化合物在结构上可能对气相去质子化/质子化不稳定循环,并有可能阻止可靠的实验测量或计算其酸度。在较大的[m,n]聚丙烷尺寸下,总应变能(E_(str))增加,并且在给定的环尺寸系列中,每一个C-C键的应变能(E_(str)〜(CC))随着堆高的增加而增加。在给定的堆叠高度内,E_(str)〜(CC)达到最小,环尺寸为5,随着远离该最小值的环尺寸减小或增大而增大。 E_(str)和E_(str)〜(CC)与气相酸度不相关,这可能是因为去质子化的阴离子[2,n]聚ism烷的几何形状与未离解的物种保持大约相同的应变,尽管由于碳酸解离。



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