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Soil Fertility Programs Lacking Fundamentals: Balanced fertility and high yields key to improving profits


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As natuial gas and fertilizer prices lise, a Potash & Phosphate Institute (PPI) soil expert says some farmers reactively try to offset input costs by cutting back on fertilizer applications. Paul Fixen, senior vice president, North American program coordinator and director of research for PPI, says that yield, price and expenses each affects the profit equation, but farmers attaining higher yields will spread costs over more production and actually reduce the costs pel unit of yield. From studies conducted in 1997 and again in 2001, PPI experts reported that nearly half of the nation's soils test average or below average for both phosphorus and potassium because nutrient applications have not kept up with the nutrient removal by crops.
机译:钾盐和磷酸盐研究所(PPI)的土壤专家表示,随着天然气和肥料价格的上涨,一些农民采取了消极的措施,试图通过减少肥料的使用来抵消投入成本。北美项目协调员,PPI研究总监高级副总裁Paul Fixen表示,产量,价格和费用均会影响利润等式,但获得更高产量的农民将把成本摊分到更多的生产上,实际上减少了成本单位。让。根据1997年和2001年的研究,PPI专家报告说,该国近一半土壤的磷和钾含量均达到平均值或低于平均值,这是因为养分的施用未能跟上农作物对养分的吸收。



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