首页> 外文期刊>The Rangeland Journal >Lygeum spartum L.: a review of a candidate for West Mediterranean arid rangeland rehabilitation

Lygeum spartum L.: a review of a candidate for West Mediterranean arid rangeland rehabilitation

机译:Lygeum spartum L .:审查西地中海干旱牧场恢复的候选人

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Lygeum spartum L. (Poaceae) is a perennial native grass grown throughout arid and semi-arid regions around the West Mediterranean basin. In terms of pastoral use, its associations with other annual species and small chamaephytes constitute a valuable source of livestock forage. L. spartum, which has an extensive root system, reduces soil erosion and enhances soil stabilisation. The leaves contain many fibres, producing a material suitable for basket manufacture. This plant species can also be used in the phytoremediation of contaminated soils. Published work on the research and development of this species is meagre. This article represents an effort to compile the literature on L. spartum and to review the current understanding of this plant and its potential as an alternative source of fodder during periods of forage scarcity, for traditional craftsmen, for phytoremediation and for rangeland rehabilitation purposes.
机译:Lygeum spartum L.(禾本科)是一种多年生的原生草,生长在整个西地中海盆地周围的干旱和半干旱地区。就牧草利用而言,其与其他一年生物种和小型轮生植物的联系构成了牲畜饲料的宝贵来源。拥有广泛根系的S. Spartum可以减少土壤侵蚀并增强土壤稳定性。叶子含有许多纤维,产生了适合篮子制造的材料。这种植物也可以用于污染土壤的植物修复。有关该物种的研究和开发的已发表工作很少。本文代表了一项工作,旨在汇编有关草枯草的文献,并回顾当前对该植物的了解及其在草料短缺时期,传统工匠,植物修复和牧场恢复目的作为草料替代来源的潜力。



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