首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Isolation and characterization of melanopsin (Opn4) from the Australian marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata (fat-tailed dunnart)

Isolation and characterization of melanopsin (Opn4) from the Australian marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata (fat-tailed dunnart)

机译:从澳大利亚有袋动物Sminthopsis crassicaudata(肥尾邓纳氏菌)中分离出黑色素(Opn4)并进行表征

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Melanopsin confers photosensitivity to a subset of retinal ganglion cells and is responsible for many non-image-forming tasks, like the detection of light for circadian entrainment. Recently, two melanopsin genes, Opn4m and Opn4x, were described in non-mammalian vertebrates. However, only one form, Opn4m, has been described in the mammals, although studies to date have been limited to the placentals and have not included the marsupials.We report here the isolation and characterization of an Opn4 gene from an Australian marsupial, the fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata), and present evidence which suggests that the Opn4x gene was lost before the placental/marsupial split. In situ hybridization shows that the expression of Opn4 in the dunnart eye is restricted to a subset of ganglion cells, a pattern previously reported for rodents and primates. These Opn4-positive cells are randomly distributed across the dunnart retina. We also undertook a comparative analysis with the South American marsupial, the grey short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica), and two placental mammals, mouse and human. This approach reveals that the two marsupials show a higher sequence identity than that seen between rodents and primates, despite separating at approximately the same point in time, some 65–85Myr ago.
机译:黑素蛋白赋予视网膜神经节细胞亚群光敏性,并负责许多非成像任务,例如检测昼夜节律夹带的光。最近,在非哺乳动物脊椎动物中描述了两个黑色素基因Opn4m和Opn4x。然而,尽管迄今为止的研究仅限于胎盘并且没有包括有袋动物,但在哺乳动物中仅描述了一种形式,即Opn4m。尾dunnart(Sminthopsis crassicaudata),并提供证据表明Opn4x基因在胎盘/有袋分裂之前丢失。原位杂交表明,邓南特眼中Opn4的表达仅限于神经节细胞的一个子集,这种模式先前曾报道过啮齿动物和灵长类动物。这些Opn4阳性细胞随机分布在dunnart视网膜上。我们还对南美有袋动物,灰色短尾负鼠(Monodelphis domestica)和两种胎盘哺乳动物(小鼠和人类)进行了比较分析。这种方法表明,两个有袋动物的序列同一性比啮齿动物和灵长类动物高,尽管它们是在大约同一时间点(大约65-85年前)分离的。



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