首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Dispersive and non-dispersive waves through plants: implications for arthropod vibratory communication.

Dispersive and non-dispersive waves through plants: implications for arthropod vibratory communication.


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Vibratory communication in arthropods is a widespread phenomenon. Arthropods living on plants have been reported to use only dispersive bending waves in the context of prey-predator, competition, social and sexual interactions. Differences in signal structure have also been postulated to work as species recognition mechanisms and speciation agents. Using two identical laser Doppler vibrometers and a wavelet analysis, we quantified the wave propagation modes in rush stems (Juncus effusus) over the whole range of frequencies used by arthropods. A non-dimensionalized analysis shows that mechanical waves propagate not only as dispersive bending waves, but also as non-dispersive waves. Our analysis implies that an arthropod can communicate through non-dispersive bending waves by either producing signals of high frequencies or by choosing large stems, two widely different options tapping into the physiological and the behavioural repertoires, respectively. Non-dispersive waves, unreported so far in insect vibratory communication in plants, present serious advantages over dispersive bending waves in terms of signal integrity and may well be much more widely used than anticipated, in particular for species recognition.
机译:节肢动物中的振动交流是一种普遍现象。据报道,生活在植物上的节肢动物在捕食者,竞争,社会和性相互作用的情况下仅使用分散弯曲波。信号结构的差异也被假定为物种识别机制和物种形成剂。使用两个相同的激光多普勒振动计和小波分析,我们在节肢动物所使用的整个频率范围内,对仓促茎(Juncus effusus)中的波传播模式进行了量化。无量纲分析表明,机械波不仅以色散弯曲波的形式传播,而且以非色散波的形式传播。我们的分析表明,节肢动物可以通过产生高频率信号或通过选择大茎来通过非分散弯曲波进行通信,这两种截然不同的选择分别进入了生理和行为库。到目前为止,在植物昆虫振动通信中尚未报道的非色散波在信号完整性方面比色散弯曲波具有严重的优势,并且比预期的要广泛得多,特别是在物种识别方面。



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