首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Molecular evidence of post-copulatory inbreeding avoidance in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus

Molecular evidence of post-copulatory inbreeding avoidance in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus


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Female promiscuity has broad implications for individual behaviour, population genetics and even speciation. In the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, females will mate with almost any male presented to them, despite receiving no recorded direct benefits. Previous studies have shown that female crickets can benefit from polyandry through increased hatching success of their eggs. There is evidence that this effect is driven by the potential of polyandrous females to avoid fertilizing eggs with sperm from genetically incompatible males. We provide direct evidence supporting the hypothesis that polyandry is a mechanism to avoid genetic incompatibilities resulting from inbreeding. Using microsatellite markers we examined patterns of paternity in an experiment where each female mated with both a related and an unrelated male in either order. Overall, unrelated males were more successful in gaining paternity than were related males, but this effect was driven by a much greater success of unrelated males when they were the first to mate. [References: 44]
机译:女性滥交对个人行为,种群遗传学甚至物种形成都有广泛的影响。在田Gryllus bimaculatus中,雌性会与几乎所有出现在它们身上的雄性交配,尽管没有任何记录的直接收益。先前的研究表明,female可以通过提高卵的孵化成功率而受益于一妻多夫制。有证据表明,这种影响是由一夫多妻制雌性避免从遗传上不相容的雄性的精子中受精的卵驱动的。我们提供直接的证据支持这一假设,即一妻多夫制是一种避免因近亲繁殖而造成的遗传不相容性的机制。在一项实验中,我们使用微卫星标记检查了亲子关系的模式,其中每个雌性都以相关的顺序与不相关的男性交配。总体而言,无亲属的男性比有亲属的男性更容易获得父亲身份,但是这种影响是由无亲属的男性首次交配时获得的更大成功所驱动的。 [参考:44]



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