首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Molecular sexing of prey remains permits a test of sex-biased predation in a wintering population of western sandpipers.

Molecular sexing of prey remains permits a test of sex-biased predation in a wintering population of western sandpipers.


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Population sex ratios in monogamous birds are often male biased. One factor that can affect population sex ratios is sex-biased predation. However, most estimates of sex-biased predation in birds have focused on species with obvious sexual colour dimorphism or body size dimorphism. Data on sexually monomorphic birds are generally lacking. In the present study, we adopt a PCR-based sexing procedure to help test for sex-biased predation in a wintering population of western sandpipers (Calidris mauri), a shorebird that shows only subtle sexual size dimorphism. Specifically, by comparing the a priori determined sex ratio of live birds wintering at a site in western Mexico to the molecular estimate obtained from depredated birds at this same site, we were able to perform a population-specific test for sex bias in predator-induced mortality. The proportion of females estimated from living (ca. 25%) versus dead (ca. 24%) individuals was in fact not significantly different, indicating that the strong male biasin this population is not due to differential predation. However, molecular sexing of prey remains is a hitherto unexploited test of sex-biased predation in birds, and is potentially applicable to any species for which prey remains can be gathered. We discuss our results in the context of alternate ecological hypotheses for population sex biases.
机译:一夫一妻制鸟类的人口性别比通常是男性偏见的。可能影响人口性别比的因素之一是性别偏见。然而,大多数对鸟类性别偏见的估计都集中在具有明显的性色双态或体型双态的物种上。通常缺乏有关性单态鸟类的数据。在本研究中,我们采用基于PCR的性别鉴定方法来帮助测试冬季越冬的西部sand(Calidris mauri)种群中的性别偏见,该shore只显示出微弱的性别大小二态性。具体而言,通过将墨西哥西部某地点过冬的活禽的先验确定的性别比与从同一地点过时的鸟类中获得的分子估计值进行比较,我们能够对捕食者引起的性别偏见进行特定于人群的测试死亡。从活着的人(约占25%)与死亡的人(约占24%)中估计的女性比例实际上没有显着差异,这表明该人群中强烈的男性偏见不是由于掠夺性差异造成的。但是,猎物残骸的分子性别鉴定是迄今为止尚未利用的鸟类偏向性捕食的测试方法,并且可能适用于可以收集猎物残骸的任何物种。我们在针对人口性别偏见的替代生态假设的背景下讨论了我们的结果。



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