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A tangerine-scented social odour in a monogamous seabird


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Social odours, conspecific chemical signals, have been demonstrated in every class of vertebrate except birds. The apparent absence is surprising, as every bird examined has a functional olfactory system and many produce odours. The crested auklet (Aethia cristatella), a monogamous seabird, exhibits a distinctive tangerine-like scent closely associated with courtship. Using T-maze experiments, we tested whether auklets preferred conspecific odours and whether they distinguished between different types of scent, two prerequisites of chemical communication. Crested auklets exhibited: (i) an attraction to conspecific feather odour; (ii) a preference for two chemical components of feather scent (cis-4-decenal and octanal), which we identified as seasonally elevated; and (iii) differential responses to odours, as indicated by a preference for auklet odour, an aversion to mammalian musk, but no significant response to banana essence (amyl acetate). Our results suggest that crested auklets detect plumage odour and preferentially orientate towards this stimulus. The striking and well-described courtship display that involves the scented neck region, the 'ruff sniff, provides a conspicuous behavioural mechanism for odour transmission and the potential for scent assessment during sexual selection. Although-the importance and full social function of chemical signals are just beginning to be understood in birds, including crested auklets, social odours promise to reveal a largely unexplored and possibly widespread means of avian communication. [References: 42]
机译:在鸟类以外的所有类别的脊椎动物中都已经证明了社交气味,特定的化学信号。明显的缺席是令人惊讶的,因为检查的每只鸟都具有功能性的嗅觉系统,并且会产生许多异味。一头一夫一妻制的海鸟(Aethia cristatella)具有与求偶紧密相关的独特的类似于橘子的气味。使用T-迷宫实验,我们测试了小红莓是否更喜欢同种异味,以及它们是否能够区分不同类型的气味,这是化学交流的两个先决条件。凤头小品展示出:(i)对特定羽毛气味的吸引力; (ii)偏爱羽毛气味的两个化学成分(顺式-4-癸烯和辛酸),我们认为它们是季节性升高的; (iii)对气味的不同反应,如偏爱Auklet气味所表明的,即对哺乳动物麝香的厌恶,但对香蕉香精(乙酸戊酯)无明显反应。我们的研究结果表明,凤头的小鳍可以检测出羽毛的气味,并优先针对这种刺激。引人入胜且描述充分的求爱展示涉及到有香味的脖子区域,即“鼻翼嗅”,提供了明显的气味传播行为机制,并有可能在进行性选择时进行气味评估。尽管化学信号的重要性和充分的社会功能才刚刚开始在鸟类(包括凤头的小鸟)中被理解,但是社交气味有望揭示出一种很大程度上尚未探索并且可能广泛传播的禽类交流手段。 [参考:42]



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