首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Negotiations within the family over the supply of parental care

Negotiations within the family over the supply of parental care


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Adults provisioning dependent young are in conflict with their partners, who would prefer a greater level of effort, and with their offspring, who would prefer a greater supply of food. To what extent, then should adults negotiate their provisioning behaviour with other family members? We used experimental manipulations of brood size, and targeted playback of begging calls to determine the extent to which adult great tits Parus major adjust their provisioning rates in response to the behaviour of their partner and their brood. We found that males and females behaved similarly, both responding more to each other's behaviour than to chick calling. We also found that the degree to which adults negotiated their provisioning rates with each other varied between years. A review of the literature suggests that the extent of negotiation over provisioning is likely to vary not only between species of diverse taxa, but also between and within ( this study) populations of the same species. We suggest that provisioning behaviour lies on a 'negotiation continuum', which describes the extent to which parents respond to the actions of other family members. We argue that an individual's location on the 'negotiation continuum' is determined partly by the extent to which it can physically respond to the behaviour shown by other members of the family and partly by the quality of information on offer.
机译:供养受抚养的年轻人的成年人与他们的伴侣(他们希望更多的努力)和他们的后代(他们希望更多的食物)发生冲突。那么成年人应在多大程度上与其他家庭成员协商其配给行为?我们使用了育雏尺寸的实验性操作,并针对乞讨电话进行了有针对性的回放,以确定成年大山雀Parus major对其配偶和育雏行为做出反应而调整其供应率的程度。我们发现,雄性和雌性的行为相似,两者对彼此行为的反应比对小鸡叫声的反应要大。我们还发现,成年人之间相互协商其准备金率的程度在几年之间有所不同。文献综述表明,关于供应的协商程度不仅可能在不同种类的物种之间,而且在同一物种的种群之间(在本研究中)也可能会有所不同。我们建议供应行为基于“协商连续体”,它描述了父母对其他家庭成员的行为做出反应的程度。我们认为,一个人在“谈判连续体”上的位置部分取决于其对家庭其他成员所表现出的行为的身体反应程度,另一部分取决于所提供信息的质量。



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