
A silurian 'marrellomorph' arthropod

机译:志留纪的“ Marrellomorph”节肢动物

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Xylokorys chledophilia, a new arthropod with three-dimensionally preserved soft tissues, is described from the Herefordshire (Silurian) Lagerstatte of England. The head and trunk are covered by a relatively featureless ovoid carapace, which comprises a domed central part and a flange-like border. The head bears five pairs of appendages. The first is uniramous, with dorsal and ventral projections distally. Appendages two to four are biramous and each endopod terminates in two projections. Appendage five is possibly biramous. The hypostome is very long and subrectangular in outline. There are approximately 35 pairs of biramous trunk appendages. Each exopod comprises a long slender shaft bearing numerous fine filaments; each endopod comprises a ribbon-like shaft bearing paddle-like endites. Morphological comparisons and cladistic analyses of X. chledophilia indicate affinity with Vachonisia rogeri from the Lower Devonian Hunsruck Slate, within the marrellomorphs, but assignment to Marrellomorpha is provisional pending revision of other members of this clade. Xylokorys is the first 'marrellomorph' to be reported from the Silurian. It is interpreted as a benthic particle filter feeder, which may also have consumed prey items.
机译:Xylokorys chledophilia是一种新的节肢动物,具有三维保存的软组织,描述于英格兰的Herefordshire(Silurian)Lagerstatte。头部和躯干被相对无特征的卵形甲壳所覆盖,该卵形甲壳包括圆顶状的中央部分和凸缘状的边框。头部带有五对附属物。第一种是单侧的,远端和腹侧突出。附件二至四是双瓣状的,每个内足都终止于两个突起。附录五可能是令人毛骨悚然的。该假体很长,轮廓在矩形下。大约有35对双主干附件。每个外足动物都包括一根细长的细长轴,上面长有许多细丝。每个内脚架都包括一个带状的轴状桨状端粒。 ch形支气管X线虫的形态学比较和分类分析表明,其与Marrellomorphs内下泥盆统Hunsruck板岩的Vachonisia rogeri有亲和力,但对Marrellomorpha的赋值是该分支的其他成员的临时修订。 Xylokorys是志留纪的第一个“ marrellomorph”。它被解释为底栖颗粒物过滤器喂食器,也可能已经消耗了猎物。



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