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Inclusive fitness benefits of scent-marking predators


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Because relatedness is high and dispersal is limited, one would expect to see higher levels of altruistic behaviour among clonal organisms than among animals of lesser relatedness. Enigmatically, however, parthenogenetic aphids do not emit alarm signals when a predator first enters a colony but only after being captured. Here, we report that an aphid smearing alarm pheromone directly onto a predator decreases the predation risk for clone-mates as the predator continues to search for additional prey. Adult multicoloured Asian ladybird beetles, Harmonia axyridis, daubed with alarm pheromone caused a greater proportion of aphids to drop off a plant and escape predation than did predators lacking pheromone droplets. Thus, along with direct fitness benefits of individual protection, aphid alarm signalling behaviour may have evolved through inclusive fitness benefits of protecting clone-mates by scent-marking predators.
机译:由于相关性很高且传播受到限制,因此人们希望看到克隆生物中的利他行为水平要高于相关性较低的动物。令人迷惑的是,孤雌生殖的蚜虫在捕食者首次进入菌落时才发出警报信号,而只是在捕获后才发出警报信号。在这里,我们报告说,随着掠食者继续寻找其他猎物,将蚜虫涂上警报信息素直接捕食者会降低克隆配偶的捕食风险。充满警报信息素的成年五彩亚洲瓢虫甲虫Harmonia axyridis比缺少信息素液滴的捕食者引起更多比例的蚜虫掉落植物并逃避捕食。因此,除了个体保护的直接适应性益处之外,蚜虫警报信号的行为可能已经通过通过气味标记捕食者保护克隆伴侣的广泛适应性益处而发展。



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