首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Songbird cheaters pay a retaliation cost: evidence for auditory conventional signals

Songbird cheaters pay a retaliation cost: evidence for auditory conventional signals


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Conventional signals impose costs on senders through receiver retaliation rather than through investment in signal production. While several visual conventional signals have been described (mainly 'badges of status'), acoustic examples are rare; however, several aspects of repertoire use in songbirds are potential candidates. We performed interactive playback experiments to determine whether song-type matches (responding to a song with the same song type), repertoire matches (responding to a song with a different song type, but one in the repertoires of both singers) and unshared song types serve as conventional signals during male-male territorial interactions in banded wrens, Thryothorus pleurostictus. Our results demonstrate that these three signals incite varying levels of receiver aggression: song-type matches induce faster approach than do repertoire matches, and repertoire matches induce faster approach than do unshared song types. Production costs do not differ, while the receiver response does. Because territorial banded wrens approach opponents who signal aggressively, such opponents risk attack. This system will punish and prevent cheaters, as weak males signalling aggression will be subject to escalation by stronger or more-motivated opponents.
机译:常规信号通过报复接收者而不是通过对信号生产的投资,在发送方上增加成本。尽管已经描述了几种视觉上的常规信号(主要是“状态标记”),但声学示例很少见;但是,在曲目中使用曲目的几个方面都是潜在的候选者。我们进行了交互式播放实验,以确定歌曲类型是否匹配(响应相同歌曲类型的歌曲),曲目匹配(响应歌曲类型不同但两个歌手的曲目中的一个)和未共享的歌曲类型在带状w(Thyothorus pleurostictus)的雄性-雄性领土相互作用中充当常规信号。我们的结果表明,这三个信号引起了不同程度的接收者攻击:歌曲类型的匹配比曲目曲目匹配诱导更快的进场,曲目类型的匹配比未共享歌曲类型诱导更快的进场。生产成本没有差异,而接收方的响应却不同。由于领土上的带刺s逼近主动发出信号的对手,因此此类对手有遭受攻击的风险。该系统将惩罚并防止作弊,因为表现出侵略性的虚弱男性将受到更强或更积极进取的对手的升级。



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