首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Better red than dead: carotenoid-based mouth coloration reveals infection in barn swallow nestlings.

Better red than dead: carotenoid-based mouth coloration reveals infection in barn swallow nestlings.


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Nestling birds solicit food from their parents by displaying their open brightly coloured gapes. Carotenoids affect gape colour, but also play a central role in immunostimulation. Therefore, we hypothesize that, by differentially allocating resources to nestlings with more brightly coloured gapes, parents favour healthy offspring which are able to allocate carotenoids to gape coloration without compromising their immune defence. We demonstrated that, in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica, (i) parents differentially allocate food to nestlings with an experimentally brighter red gape, (ii) nestlings challenged with a novel antigen (sheep red blood cells, SRBCs) have less bright gape colour than their control siblings, (iii) nestlings challenged with SRBCs but also provided with the principal circulating carotenoid (lutein) have more brightly coloured red gapes than their challenged but unsupplemented siblings and (iv) the gape colour of nestlings challenged with SRBCs and provisioned with lutein exceeds that of siblings that were unchallenged. This suggests that parents may favour nestlings with superior health by preferentially feeding offspring with the brightest gapes.
机译:雏鸟通过张开鲜艳的空隙来向父母征求食物。类胡萝卜素影响毛色,但在免疫刺激中也起重要作用。因此,我们假设,通过差异化地将资源分配给色泽较鲜艳的雏鸟,父母会偏爱健康的后代,这些后代能够分配类胡萝卜素来着色色泽而不损害其免疫防御能力。我们证明,在燕子sw(Hirundo Rusta)中,(i)父母将食物差异分配给具有实验上较亮的红色缺口的雏鸟,(ii)受到新型抗原(绵羊红血球,SRBC)攻击的雏鸟的明亮缺口颜色比他们的对照兄弟姐妹,(iii)受SRBC挑战但还具有主要循环类胡萝卜素(叶黄素)的雏鸟,其色斑比其受挑战但未补充的兄弟姐妹更鲜红;(iv)受SRBC挑战并配以叶黄素的雏鸟的斑驳色超过了没有挑战的兄弟姐妹。这表明父母可能会优先选择间隙最明亮的后代,以选择健康状况更高的雏鸟。



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