首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >The impact of diet switching on resource allocation to reproduction and longevity in Mediterranean fruitflies.

The impact of diet switching on resource allocation to reproduction and longevity in Mediterranean fruitflies.


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Understanding the factors that determine the allocation and utilization of organism resources may provide an insight into the mechanisms of adaptation, ageing and reproduction. Resource allocation, which is regarded as a method of adaptation, increases fitness and is genetically controlled. Experiments with variable diet feeding of female Mediterranean fruitflies (Ceratitis capitata) demonstrated that the feeding regime dramatically influences lifespan, mortality and the reproduction of flies. An analysis of experimental data and numerical experiments reveals that resource allocation could explain lifespan increase when females are switched from a sugar-only to a protein-containing diet. The heterogeneity of the initial female cohort in terms of the total amount of resources and its allocation to the processes of maintenance and reproduction plays a significant role in this.
机译:了解决定生物资源分配和利用的因素,可能有助于了解适应,衰老和繁殖的机制。资源分配被认为是一种适应方法,可以提高适应性并受到基因控制。对地中海雌性果蝇(Ceratitis capitata)进行可变饮食喂养的实验表明,喂养方式会极大地影响果蝇的寿命,死亡率和繁殖。对实验数据和数值实验的分析表明,当女性从纯糖饮食改为含蛋白质饮食时,资源分配可以解释寿命的增加。最初的女性队列在资源总量上的异质性及其在维持和繁殖过程中的分配起着重要作用。



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