首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Dollo's law and the re-evolution of shell coiling

Dollo's law and the re-evolution of shell coiling


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Gastropods have lost the quintessential snail feature, the coiled shell, numerous times in evolution. In many cases these animals have developed a limpet morphology with a cap-shaped shell and a large foot. Limpets thrive in marginal habitats such as hydrothermal vents, the high-energy rocky intertidal areas and fresh water, but they are considered to be evolutionary dead-ends, unable to re-evolve a coiled shell and therefore unable to give rise to the diversity seen among coiled snails. The re-evolution of a coiled shell, or any complex character, is considered unlikely or impossible (Dollo's law) because the loss of the character is followed by the loss of the genetic architecture and developmental mechanisms that underlie that character. Here, we quantify the level of coiling in calyptraeids, a family of mostly uncoiled limpets, and show that coiled shells have re-evolved at least once within this family. These results are the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of the re-evolution of coiling in a gastropod, and show that the developmental features underlying coiling have not been lost during 20-100 Myr of uncoiled evolutionary history. This is the first example of the re-evolution of a complex character via a change in developmental timing (heterochrony) rather than a change in location of gene expression (heterotopy). [References: 23]
机译:腹足动物在进化过程中失去了典型的蜗牛特征,即盘绕的壳。在许多情况下,这些动物的帽贝形态已经形成,它们具有帽状壳和大脚。边缘动物在诸如热液喷口,高能岩石潮间带和淡水之类的边缘栖息地繁盛,但它们被认为是进化的死角,无法重新进化成螺旋状的壳,因此无法引起人们所看到的多样性。在盘绕的蜗牛中。盘绕的壳或任何复杂的性状的重新进化被认为是不可能的或不可能的(Dollo定律),因为性状的丧失随后是构成该性状的遗传结构和发育机制的丧失。在这里,我们量化了蝶形花序中的卷曲水平,而蝶形花序中大部分是未卷曲的羽扇贝,并且显示了卷曲的壳在该家族中至少重新进化了一次。据我们所知,这些结果是对腹足动物盘绕的重新进化的第一个证明,表明在未卷曲的进化史的20-100 Myr期间,盘绕的发育特征并未丢失。这是通过改变发育时间(异时)而不是改变基因表达位置(异养)而使复杂角色重新进化的第一个例子。 [参考:23]



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