首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Sexual selection and individual genetic diversity in a songbird

Sexual selection and individual genetic diversity in a songbird


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Here, we report for the first time, to our knowledge, a strong correlation between a measure of individual genetic diversity and song complexity, a sexually selected male trait in sedge warblers, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus. We also find that females prefer to mate with males who will maximize this diversity in individual progeny. The genetic diversity of each offspring is further increased by means of non-random fertilization, as we also show that the fertilizing sperm contains a haplotype more genetically distant to that of the egg than expected by chance. These findings suggest that species' mating preferences may be subject to fine tuning aimed at increasing offspring viability through increased genetic diversity. This includes external and internal mechanisms of selection, even within the ejaculate of a single male. [References: 21]
机译:据我们所知,在这里,我们首次报告了个体遗传多样性的度量与歌曲复杂性,莺(Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)中性选择的男性特征之间的强烈相关性。我们还发现雌性更喜欢与雄性交配,这将最大程度地提高个体后代的多样性。通过非随机受精,每个后代的遗传多样性进一步提高,因为我们还表明,受精精子的单倍型与卵的遗传距离比偶然预期的要高。这些发现表明,物种的交配偏好可能会经过微调,旨在通过增加遗传多样性来提高后代的生存能力。这包括选择的外部和内部机制,甚至在单身男性射精内也是如此。 [参考:21]



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