首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Tympanal and atympanal 'mouth-ears' in hawkmoths (Sphingidae).

Tympanal and atympanal 'mouth-ears' in hawkmoths (Sphingidae).


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The labral pilifers and the labial palps form ultrasound-sensitive hearing organs in species of two distantly related hawkmoth subtribes, the Choerocampina and the Acherontiina. Biomechanical examination now reveals that their ears represent different types of hearing organs. In hearing species of both subtribes, the labral pilifer picks up vibrations from specialized sound-receiving structures of the labial palp that are absent in non-hearing species. In Choerocampina, a thin area of cuticle serves as an auditory tympanum, whereas overlapping scales functionally replace a tympanum in Acherontiina that can hear. The tympanum of Choerocampina and the scale-plate of Acherontiina both vibrate maximally in response to ultrasonic, behaviourally relevant sounds, with the vibrations of the tympanum exceeding those of the scale plate by ca. 15 dB. This amplitude difference, however, is not reflected in the vibrations of the pilifers and the neural auditory sensitivity is similar in hearing species of both subtribes. Accordingly, morphologically different - tympanal and atympanal - but functionally equivalent hearing organs evolved independently and in parallel within a single family of moths.
机译:唇毛虫和唇毛在两个遥远相关的鹰蛾亚族(Choerocampina和Acherontiina)的物种中形成了对超声敏感的听觉器官。现在,生物力学检查表明他们的耳朵代表了不同类型的听力器官。在两个亚族的听觉物种中,唇侧毛发虫从非听觉物种中不存在的唇掌的特殊声音接收结构中吸收振动。在Chocampcampina,表皮的一小片区域充当听觉鼓膜,而重叠的鳞片在功能上替代了可以听见的Acherontiina的鼓膜。霍乱弧菌的鼓膜和棘齿动物的刻度盘都响应于与行为相关的超声波而最大振动,鼓膜的振动比刻度盘的振动约大。 15分贝。但是,该振幅差并未反映在毛毛虫的振动中,并且两个亚族的听觉神经听觉敏感性相似。因此,在形态上不同-鼓膜和非鼓膜-但功能相同的听力器官在单个飞蛾家族中独立且平行地进化。



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