首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Genetic evidence for the effect of a postglacial population expansion on the phylogeography of a North American songbird

Genetic evidence for the effect of a postglacial population expansion on the phylogeography of a North American songbird


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Phylogeographical studies of Nearctic songbirds conducted to date have yielded unexpectedly low levels of genetic differentiation and weak phylogeographical structure in mitochondrial DNA lineages as compared with species studied in Neotropical areas. Factors leading to this pattern may include (i) gene flow, (ii) population expansions from bottlenecked populations, and (iii) selective sweeps. Here we provide evidence for the role played by Pleistocene postglacial population expansions on the phylogeography of MacGillivray's warbler (Oporornis tolmiei), a long-distance migratory bird. Samples from 12 breeding localities in the temperate USA were compared with those from two localities in north-eastern Mexico. The former showed evidence of a Late Pleistocene population expansion as indicated by low haplotype and nucleotide diversity, a star-like phylogeny of alleles, and a mismatch distribution indicating a sudden increase in effective population size. By contrast, the Mexican population showed high levels of genetic diversity and a mismatch distribution as expected for a population unaffected by sudden demographic change. Haplotypes from the two regions formed two distinct phylogroups which separated roughly one million years ago according to a conventional molecular clock for songbirds. This study provides support for the Pleistocene expansion hypothesis in MacGillivray's warbler and suggests that postglacial expansion of bottlenecked populations is responsible for the lack of variation and structure reported for most North American songbird species. [References: 58]
机译:与新热带地区研究的物种相比,迄今为止对Nearctic鸣禽的植物志研究表明,线粒体DNA谱系的遗传分化水平出乎意料地低,而且植物的地理学结构较弱。导致这种模式的因素可能包括(i)基因流动,(ii)瓶颈人群的种群扩展和(iii)选择性扫描。在这里,我们提供证据说明更新世冰川后人口扩张对长途候鸟MacGillivray的莺(Oporornis tolmiei)的系统地理学的作用。将美国温带地区12个繁殖地区的样本与墨西哥东北部两个地区的样本进行了比较。前者显示出晚更新世种群扩张的证据,如低单倍型和核苷酸多样性,等位基因的星状系统发育以及错配分布表明有效种群突然增加。相比之下,墨西哥人口显示出高水平的遗传多样性和不匹配分布,这是不受人口突然变化影响的人口所期望的。根据传统的鸣禽分子钟,这两个区域的单倍型形成了两个不同的系统群,大约在一百万年前就分开了。这项研究为MacGillivray的鸣鸟中的更新世扩张假说提供了支持,并表明瓶颈后种群的冰川后扩张是造成大多数北美鸣禽物种缺乏变异和结构的原因。 [参考:58]



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