首页> 外文期刊>The Royal Society Proceedings B: Biological Sciences >Harvesting strategies for conserving minimum viable populations based on World Conservation Union criteria: brown bears in Norway

Harvesting strategies for conserving minimum viable populations based on World Conservation Union criteria: brown bears in Norway


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The world Conservation Union (IUCN) defines populations as vulnerable if the probability of extinction is larger than 10% within the next 100 years. With the objective of minimizing problems with predation on domestic livestock and, at the same time, conserving a viable population, we consider different threshold harvesting strategies for a small population of brown bear, based on a population dynamics model with growth rate and demographic and environmental variances estimated from the present Swedish population. Taking into account uncertainties in present estimates of the demographic parameters and in population size, we show that the population can be harvested when the population size exceeds 34 female bears aged one year and older, if the entire population exceeding the threshold is harvested. To minimize the expected long-term population size, however, we show that it is optimal to harvest only a proportion equal to 35% of the population exceeding a lower threshold of 12 female bears. This strategy gives an expected long-term population size of around 20 female bears. If the growth rate of the population is reduced by ca. 3%, the threshold must, under some conditions, be doubled, We argue that the small thresholds are mainly a result of the high intrinsic growth rate of the population considered in the present paper. However, the analysis also suggests that IUCN's criterion might allow a rate of extinction that is too high.
机译:如果在未来100年内灭绝的可能性大于10%,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)将人口定义为脆弱人群。为了最大程度地减少家畜的捕食问题并同时保护种群,我们基于具有增长率,人口统计和环境的种群动态模型,考虑了小棕熊种群的不同阈值收获策略从目前的瑞典人口估计的方差。考虑到当前人口统计参数估计值和人口规模的不确定性,我们表明,如果人口总数超过34岁且年龄在1岁及以上的母熊,则可以收获该种群,前提是可以收获全部超过阈值的母熊。但是,为了最大程度地减少预期的长期种群数量,我们表明,最好只收获比例等于超过12头母熊的下限阈值的种群的35%。这项长期战略预计可带来约20只母熊。如果人口的增长率降低约。 3%的阈值必须在某些条件下加倍。我们认为较小的阈值主要是由于本文考虑的人口固有增长率高所致。但是,分析还表明,IUCN的标准可能会导致灭绝速率过高。



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