首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of family practice >Pruritic blisters on legs and feetWas recent outdoor fieldwork to blame for the pruritic blisters on this US Navy sailor's feet and calves?

Pruritic blisters on legs and feetWas recent outdoor fieldwork to blame for the pruritic blisters on this US Navy sailor's feet and calves?


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A 23-year-old active duty US Navy sailor came to our medical center for treatment of 1-2 cm tense pruritic blisters on his dorsal feet, calves, and anterior lower extremities (figure 1). He told us that several days earlier, he had noticed ill-defined "itchy red bumps" on both legs. He denied fever, night sweats, malaise, trauma, insect bites, contact with animals or plants, or recent illnesses. He did say, however, that he'd recently done outdoor rieldwork with the Marine Corps in southern California.His medical history was unremarkable, and he was not taking any prescribed or over-the-counter medications or supplements. He had no family history of blistering or other autoimmune disorders.



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