首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Acoustic characteristics of underwater tail slaps used by Norwegian and Icelandic killer whales (Orcinus orca) to debilitate herring (Clupea harengus)

Acoustic characteristics of underwater tail slaps used by Norwegian and Icelandic killer whales (Orcinus orca) to debilitate herring (Clupea harengus)

机译:挪威和冰岛虎鲸(Orcinus orca)用来破坏鲱鱼(Clupea harengus)的水下尾巴拍打的声学特性

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Norwegian killer whales debilitate prey by slapping their tails into herring schools. These underwater tail slaps produce a thud-like sound. It is unclear whether this sound is caused by cavitation and/or physical contact between herring and whale tail. Also the forces causing debilitation of the fish are not understood. Here we present an acoustic analysis of underwater tail slaps using a multi-channel wide (150 kHz) band recording system. Underwater tail slaps produced by Norwegian killer whales generated sounds consisting of multiple pulses with source levels of 186+/-5.4 dB (pp) re.1 microPa at 1 m (+/-1 s.d., N = 4). The -3 dB and 97% energy bandwidths were 36.8+/-22.5 kHz and 130.5+/-17.5 kHz (+/-1 s.d., N = 13), respectively, with a centre frequency of 46.1+/-22.3 kHz. The similarities between the acoustic properties of underwater tail slaps recorded from killer whales in Norway, and thud-like sounds recorded from killer whales in Iceland suggest that Norwegian and Icelandic killer whales use similar hunting techniques. The acoustic characteristics of sounds produced by underwater tail slaps were similar to the ones from other cavitation sound sources described in the literature, both in term of temporal and frequency features as well as in source level. We suggest that multiple factors generated by the tail slaps like particle fluctuations, turbulence, pressure changes and physical impact cause debilitation of herring.
机译:挪威虎鲸通过将尾巴拍入鲱鱼学校来破坏猎物。这些水下的尾巴拍打发出类似a的声音。尚不清楚该声音是否是由于鲱鱼和鲸鱼尾巴之间的气蚀和/或物理接触引起的。同样,导致鱼体衰弱的力量也不清楚。在这里,我们介绍了使用多通道宽(150 kHz)频带记录系统对水下拍打的声学分析。挪威虎鲸发出的水下尾巴拍击声产生了由多个脉冲组成的声音,这些脉冲在1 m(+/- 1 s.d.,N = 4)时的声级为186 +/- 5.4 dB(pp)re.1 microPa。 -3 dB和97%的能量带宽分别为36.8 +/- 22.5 kHz和130.5 +/- 17.5 kHz(+/- 1 s.d.,N = 13),中心频率为46.1 +/- 22.3 kHz。挪威的虎鲸记录的水下尾巴拍打的声学特性与冰岛的虎鲸记录的类似th的声音之间的相似性表明,挪威和冰岛的虎鲸使用类似的狩猎技术。在时间和频率特征以及声源水平上,水下尾巴拍打产生的声音的声学特性与文献中描述的其他空化声源的声学特性相似。我们建议由尾巴拍打产生的多种因素(例如颗粒波动,湍流,压力变化和物理冲击)会导致鲱鱼衰弱。



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