首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Dolphin continuous auditory vigilance for five days

Dolphin continuous auditory vigilance for five days


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The present report describes the first study of continuous vigilance in dolphins. Two adult bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), WEN (male) and SAY (female), maintained a very high detection rate of randomly presented, infrequent, 1.5-s target tones in a background of frequent 0.5-s equal-amplitude tones over five continuous 120-h sessions. The animals were able to maintain high levels (WEN 97, 87, 99%; SAY 93, 96%) of target detection without signs of sleep deprivation as indicated by behavior, blood indices or marked sleep rebound during 24 h of continuous post-experiment observation. Target response time overall (F = 0.384; P = 0.816) did not change between day 1 and day 5. However, response time was significantly slower (F = 21.566, P = 0.019) during the night (21.00-04.00 h) when the dolphins would have ordinarily been resting or asleep.
机译:本报告描述了对海豚持续保持警惕的第一项研究。 WEN(雄性)和SAY(雌性)这两只成年宽吻海豚(Tursiops truncatus)在五次频繁出现0.5s等振幅音调的背景下,保持了很高的随机呈示,不频繁出现的1.5s目标音调的检测率。连续120小时的课程。动物能够在连续的实验后24小时内保持高水平的目标检测(WEN 97,87,99%; SAY 93,96%)而没有行为,血液指数或明显的睡眠反弹等睡眠剥夺迹象观察。在第1天和第5天之间,总体目标响应时间(F = 0.384; P = 0.816)没有变化。但是,当晚上(21.00-04.00 h)时,响应时间明显变慢(F = 21.566,P = 0.019)。海豚通常会休息或睡着。



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