首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >High mechanical efficiency of the cross-bridge powerstroke in skeletal muscle

High mechanical efficiency of the cross-bridge powerstroke in skeletal muscle


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We were interested to estimate the maximum mechanical efficiency with which chemical energy derived from ATP hydrolysis is converted into mechanical work by individual cross-bridges when they perform their powerstroke synchronously. Glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibres, containing ATP molecules almost equal in number to the cross-bridges within the fibre, were activated to shorten under various afterloads by laser-flash photolysis of caged Ca2+. In these conditions, almost all the cross-bridges are in the state where the ATP is hydrolyzed but the products have not yet been released from the cross-bridge (M-ADP-Pi) immediately before activation, and can hydrolyze only one ATP molecule during the flash-induced mechanical response. Power output records of the fibres following activation indicated that the cross-bridges actually started their powerstroke almost synchronously. The amount of ATP utilized at 1 s after activation was estimated from the amount of isometric force developed after interruption of fibre shortening, while the amount of work done was calculated by multiplying the amount of afterload by the distance of fibre shortening. A conservative estimation of the maximum mechanical efficiency at a load of 0.5-0.6 P-0 was 0.7, suggesting that the actual maximum mechanical efficiency of cross-bridge powerstrokes may be close to unity. [References: 21]
机译:我们有兴趣估算最大的机械效率,当跨桥同步执行其动力冲程时,由ATP水解产生的化学能将转换为机械功。含甘油的兔腰肌肌肉纤维(其ATP分子的数量几乎与纤维内的跨桥数量相等)通过笼装的Ca2 +的激光快速光解在各种后负荷下被激活缩短。在这些条件下,几乎所有的跨桥都处于ATP水解的状态,但是产品尚未在激活之前立即从跨桥(M-ADP-Pi)释放出来,并且只能水解一个ATP分子在闪光引起的机械反应中。激活后光纤的功率输出记录表明,跨桥实际上几乎同步地开始其功率冲程。活化后1 s处利用的ATP的量是根据短纤维中断后产生的等轴测力估算的,而工作量则是通过将后负荷量乘以短纤维的距离来计算的。保守估计在负载为0.5-0.6 P-0时的最大机械效率为0.7,这表明跨桥动力冲程的实际最大机械效率可能接近于1。 [参考:21]



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