首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Dogmas and controversies in the handling of nitrogenous wastes: ureotely and ammonia tolerance in early life stages of the gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta

Dogmas and controversies in the handling of nitrogenous wastes: ureotely and ammonia tolerance in early life stages of the gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta

机译:处理含氮废物的教条和争议:海湾蟾蜍(Opsanus beta)在生命早期对尿素和氨的耐受性

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The marine gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) is an unusual teleost fish as it is able to switch between ammoniotelism and ureotelism in response to a variety of laboratory conditions. The present study integrates field work conducted in Biscayne and Florida Bays, USA with laboratory studies to examine ureotelism during the early life history stages of O. beta. Adult toadfish voluntarily nested in artificial shelters placed amongst seagrass beds and were found to be predominantly ureotelic under natural conditions as the internal shelter water had mean urea and ammonia concentrations (N=51) of 14.2+/-1.6 micro mol N l(-1) and 8.9+/-0.9 micro mol N l(-1), respectively. Toadfish successfully spawned in shelters, providing eggs, larvae and juvenile toadfish for laboratory study. In the lab, juvenile toadfish were also ureotelic and urea was excreted in pulsatile events that accounted for 62.0+/-5.9% of total urea-N excreted. Excretion rates of urea-N and ammonia-N were 1.018+/-0.084 micro mol N h(-1) g(-1) and 0.235+/-0.095 micro mol N h(-1) g(-1), respectively. Field-collected eggs, larvae and juveniles expressed significant levels of the ornithine-urea cycle enzymes carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase III, ornithine transcarbamylase and arginase and the accessory enzyme glutamine synthetase, all of which increased in activity as toadfish developed through early life stages. In juveniles, the ammonia 96-h LC(50) value was 875 micro mol N l(-1) and there was a 3-fold increase in ornithine transcarbamylase activity in the 1000 micro mol N l(-1) NH(4)Cl treatment. The results are discussed in the context of the causal factor(s) for ureotelism in toadfish. Furthermore, the results of this study suggest it is unlikely that the adaptive significance of ureotelism in toadfish is a means to prevent fouling nests with ammonia and in turn poisoning offspring; however, additional study is warranted.
机译:海洋海湾蟾蜍鱼(Opsanus beta)是一种不寻常的硬骨鱼类,因为它能够根据各种实验室条件在铵态和尿态之间切换。本研究将在美国比斯坎和佛罗里达湾进行的野外工作与实验室研究相结合,以检查O. beta生命早期阶段的输尿管痉挛。成年蟾蜍鱼自愿筑巢在海草床之间的人工庇护所中,由于内部庇护所水中尿素和氨的平均浓度(N = 51)为14.2 +/- 1.6 micro mol N l(-1),因此在自然条件下主要是尿道酸。 )和8.9 +/- 0.9 micro mol N l(-1)。蟾蜍成功地在庇护所中产卵,提供了卵,幼虫和幼小的蟾蜍进行实验室研究。在实验室中,幼年蟾蜍也有尿酸,尿素在搏动性事件中被排泄,占尿素N排泄总量的62.0 +/- 5.9%。尿素氮和氨氮的排泄速率分别为1.018 +/- 0.084 micro mol N h(-1)g(-1)和0.235 +/- 0.095 micro mol N h(-1)g(-1) 。田间采集的卵,幼虫和幼虫表达了高水平的鸟氨酸-尿素循环酶氨基甲酰基磷酸合成酶III,鸟氨酸转氨甲酰酶和精氨酸酶以及辅助酶谷氨酰胺合成酶,随着蟾蜍在整个生命早期阶段的发展,所有这些酶的活性都增加了。在青少年中,氨96-h LC(50)的值为875 micro mol N l(-1),在1000 micro mol N l(-1)NH(4)中鸟氨酸转氨甲酰酶的活性增加了3倍。 Cl处理。在蟾蜍中尿道症的因果因素中讨论了结果。此外,这项研究的结果表明,蟾蜍对尿道症的适应性意义不太可能是防止用氨污染巢穴并进而毒害后代的一种手段。但是,还需要进一步研究。



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