首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Migrating young pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca do not compensate for geographical displacements

Migrating young pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca do not compensate for geographical displacements

机译:迁徙的年轻d蝇Ficedula hypoleuca不能弥补地理上的位移

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The present study tested whether young Scandinavian pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca, would direct their orientation back towards their southwest-directed migratory route in autumn if displaced by the maximal biologically realistic distance due south or due west. The aim was to clarify the nature of their inherited spatiotemporal orientation programme. Forty-eight young pied flycatchers were caught and tested at Christianso, Denmark, They were then divided into three groups of equal size and orientation, of which one group was displaced due south and another due west, while the third remained as a control at Christianso. Three different experimenters then simultaneously tested their orientation. The birds oriented in the same direction at all localities, showing no signs of compensatory orientation. This result suggests that young pied flycatchers on their first autumn migration use a simple clock-and-compass strategy to reach their wintering area. If this suggestion holds, then all the prerequisites (a compass and an internal clock) for orientation during the autumn migration seem to be known at present, at least at the behavioural level. In addition, the present study provides further evidence supporting the assumption that observations in an orientation funnel reflect the orientation of actual migration. [References: 37]
机译:本研究测试了斯堪的纳维亚斑pie捕蝇器Ficedula hypoleuca,如果在南方或西部由于最大的生物学现实距离而被移动,秋季它们的定向是否会朝向其西南定向的迁徙路线。目的是阐明其继承的时空定向方案的性质。在丹麦的克里斯蒂安索捕获并测试了48名幼小的d蝇,然后将它们分成三组,大小和方向相同,其中一组因南移而另一组因西移,而第三组仍作为克里斯蒂安索的对照组。然后,三个不同的实验者同时测试了他们的方向。各地的鸟类都朝着相同的方向飞行,没有任何补偿性的迹象。这一结果表明,幼小的d蝇在第一次秋季迁徙时就采用了简单的钟表罗盘策略来到达越冬地区。如果这一建议成立,那么至少在行为层面上,目前似乎已经知道了秋季迁徙期间定向的所有先决条件(指南针和内部时钟)。另外,本研究提供了进一步的证据支持以下假设:定向漏斗中的观测值反映了实际迁移的定向。 [参考:37]



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