首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Chemolithoheterotrophy in a metazoan tissue: thiosulfate productionmatches ATP demand in ciliated mussel gills

Chemolithoheterotrophy in a metazoan tissue: thiosulfate productionmatches ATP demand in ciliated mussel gills


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The ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa inhabits sulfide-rich coastal sediments with a distribution that suggests a preference for exposure to sulfide. Although sulfide is a respiratory poison, it is also a potent reductant. Geukensia demissa gill mitochondria can use sulfide as a respiratory substrate for ATP production, and the gills of this species exhibit sulfide-supported oxygen consumption that matches the energy demand of ciliary beating. Here, we demonstrate (i) that the major product of G. demissa gin sulfide oxidation is thiosulfate and (ii) that the rate of sulfide oxidation also matches the cellular energy demand, resulting in a ratio near unity of oxygen consumed to sulfide oxidized at both low and high ciliary beat frequencies. A value for this ratio of unity is consistent with electrons from sulfide oxidation entering the mitochondrial electron transport chain. In the gills of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis from sulfide-free conditions, this ratio is 3-5 times higher, indicating an uncoupling of oxygen consumption from sulfide oxidation. Whereas M. edulis gills exhibit anaerobic metabolism during sulfide exposure, G. demissa gills do not, indicating a difference in sulfide tolerance between the two mussel species.
机译:带肋的贻贝Geukensia dismissa栖息于富含硫化物的沿海沉积物中,其分布表明人们更倾向于暴露于硫化物。尽管硫化物是呼吸道毒物,但它也是有效的还原剂。 Geukensia demissa can线粒体可以使用硫化物作为产生ATP的呼吸底物,而该种类的the表现出硫化物支持的氧消耗,与睫毛跳动的能量需求相匹配。在这里,我们证明(i)G. demissa gin gin硫化物氧化的主要产物是硫代硫酸盐,(ii)硫化物的氧化速率也与细胞能量需求相匹配,从而导致消耗的氧与硫化氢氧化的硫化物的比率接近统一低和高睫状心跳频率。该单位比的值与来自硫化物氧化进入线粒体电子传输链的电子一致。在无硫化物条件下的蓝贻贝贻贝的ill中,该比率高3-5倍,表明氧消耗与硫化物氧化解偶联。蓝藻M在硫化物暴露期间表现出厌氧代谢,而米氏miss则没有,这表明这两种贻贝物种对硫化物的耐受性有所不同。



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