首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Octopamine mimics the effects of parasitism on the foregut of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta.

Octopamine mimics the effects of parasitism on the foregut of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta.


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The parasitic braconid wasp Cotesia congregata lays its eggs inside the body of the larval stage of its host, the moth Manduca sexta. The C. congregata larvae develop within the haemocoel of their host until their third-instar, when they emerge andspin cocoons and pupate on the outer surface of the caterpillar. From this time until their death approximately 2 weeks later, the M. sexta larvae show striking behavioural changes that include dramatic declines in spontaneous activity and in the time spent feeding. Coincident with these behavioural changes, it is known that octopamine titres in the haemolymph of the host become elevated by approximately 6.5-fold. Octopamine is an important modulator of neural function and behaviour in insects, so we examined hosts for neural correlates to the behavioural changes that occur at parasite emergence. We found that, in addition to the changes reported earlier, after parasite emergence (post-emergence), M. sexta larvae also showed marked deficits in their ability to ingest food because of a disruption in the function of the frontal ganglion that results in a significant slowing or the absence of peristaltic activity in the foregut. This effect could be produced in unparasitized fifth-instar larvae by application of blood from post-emergence parasitized larvae or of 10-6 mol l-1 D,-octopamine (approximately the level in the haemolymph of post-emergence larvae). In contrast, blood from parasitized larvae before their parasites emerge or from unparasitized fifth-instar larvae typically had no effect on foregut activity. The effects of either post-emergence parasitized blood or 10-6 mol l-1 octopamine could be blocked by the octopamine antagonists phentolamine (at 10-5 mol l-1) or mianserin (at 10-7 mol l-1).
机译:寄生的辫状黄蜂黄蜂Cotesia congregata将其卵产于寄主幼虫期蛾蛾(Manduca sexta)的体内。弓形虫幼虫在其寄主的小肠内发育,直到它们的三龄幼虫出现并在毛毛虫的外表面旋转茧和化up。从这个时间到大约2周后死亡,六分体幼虫表现出惊人的行为变化,包括自发活动和进食时间急剧下降。与这些行为变化同时发生,已知宿主血淋巴中的章鱼胺滴定度升高了约6.5倍。章鱼胺是昆虫神经功能和行为的重要调节剂,因此我们检查了宿主与寄生虫出现时行为变化的神经相关性。我们发现,除了先前报道的变化外,在寄生虫出现后(出苗后),六分体幼虫还表现出明显的进食能力缺陷,这是由于额神经节功能受到破坏而导致的。前肠明显减慢或没有蠕动。可以通过使用出苗后寄生的幼虫的血液或10-6 mol 1-1 D-章鱼胺(出苗后的血淋巴中的水平)在未寄生虫的五龄幼虫中产生这种效果。相反,来自寄生虫的幼虫在寄生虫出现之前的血液或来自未寄生虫的五龄幼虫的血液通常对前肠活动没有影响。出苗后被寄生的血液或10-6 mol l-1的章鱼胺的作用都可以被章鱼胺拮抗剂苯妥拉明(10-5 mol l-1)或米安色林(10-7 mol l-1)阻断。



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