首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Mechanisms underlying rhythmic locomotion: body-fluid interaction in undulatory swimming

Mechanisms underlying rhythmic locomotion: body-fluid interaction in undulatory swimming


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Swimming of fish and other animals results from interactions of rhythmic body movements with the surrounding fluid. This paper develops a model for the body-fluid interaction in undulatory swimming of leeches, where the body is represented by a chain of rigid links and the hydrodynamic force model is based on resistive and reactive force theories. The drag and added-mass coefficients for the fluid force model were determined from experimental data of kinematic variables during intact swimming, measured through video recording and image processing. Parameter optimizations to minimize errors in simulated model behaviors revealed that the resistive force is dominant, and a simple static function of relative velocity captures the essence of hydrodynamic forces acting on the body. The model thus developed, together with the experimental kinematic data, allows us to investigate temporal and spatial (along the body) distributions of muscle actuation, body curvature, hydrodynamic thrust and drag, muscle power supply and energy dissipation into the fluid. We have found that: (1) thrust is generated continuously along the body with increasing magnitude toward the tail, (2) drag is nearly constant along the body, (3) muscle actuation waves travel two or three times faster than the body curvature waves and (4) energy for swimming is supplied primarily by the mid-body muscles, transmitted through the body in the form of elastic energy, and dissipated into the water near the tail.
机译:有节奏的身体运动与周围液体的相互作用导致鱼类和其他动物游泳。本文建立了水lee波动游泳中的体液相互作用模型,该模型中的身体以一连串的刚性链为代表,流体动力模型基于阻力和反作用力理论。流体力模型的阻力系数和附加质量系数是从完整游泳过程中运动学变量的实验数据确定的,并通过视频记录和图像处理进行了测量。通过参数优化来最大程度地减少仿真模型行为中的误差,结果表明,阻力是主要的,相对速度的简单静态函数捕获了作用在人体上的流体动力的本质。这样开发的模型与实验运动学数据一起,使我们能够研究肌肉致动,身体曲率,流体动力推力和阻力,肌肉动力供应以及能量在流体中的耗散的时间和空间分布(沿着身体)。我们发现:(1)沿着身体不断产生推力,并且朝向尾巴的幅度不断增加;(2)沿着身体的阻力几乎恒定;(3)肌肉致动波的传播速度比身体曲率波快两倍或三倍。 (4)游泳的能量主要由身体中部肌肉提供,以弹性能的形式通过身体传递,并散发到尾巴附近的水中。



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