首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Microstome - macrostome transformation in the polymorphic ciliate Tetrahymenavorax leads to mechanosensitivity associated with prey-capture behaviour

Microstome - macrostome transformation in the polymorphic ciliate Tetrahymenavorax leads to mechanosensitivity associated with prey-capture behaviour


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Ciliates feed by phagocytosis. Some ciliate species, such as Tetrahymena vorax, are polymorphic, a strategy that provides moreflexible food utilization. Cells of the microstomal morph of T. vorax feed on bacteria, organic particles and organic solutes in anon-selective manner, whereas macrostome cells are predators that consume specific prey ciliates. In the present study, weinvestigated a possible correlation between phagocytosis and mechanosensitivity in macrostome T. vorax. Microstome cellsseem to be insensitive to mechanical stimulation whereas macrostome cells depolarise in response to mechanical stimulation ofthe anterior part of the cell. The amplitude of the receptor potential induced by either a prey ciliate or a 5 mu m push by a glassneedle was sufficient to elicit a regenerative Ca~(2+) spike. The difference in mechanosensitivity of the two forms correlates with the swimming behaviour when hitting an obstacle; microstome cells swim alongside the obstacle whereas macrostome cells swimbackwards, turn and resume forward swimming. Macrostome cells prevented from backward swimming and the subsequent turnfailed to capture prey cells in their pouch. Macrostome cells consumed heterospecific prey ciliates preferentially over conspecificmicrostome cells. This selectivity is not due to electrical membrane responses elicited by physical contact. Both microstome andmacrostome cells accumulated in an area containing putative substances released from heterospecific prey ciliates, but thesubstances did not elicit any electrophysiological membrane responses. We conclude that the mechanosensitivity of macrostomecells is associated with the prey-capture behaviour, whereas the selective phagocytosis is probably due to chemo-attraction toheterospecific prey ciliates.
机译:纤毛虫通过吞噬作用进食。一些纤毛虫物种,例如四膜虫(Tetrahymena vorax)涡旋菌是多态的,该策略可提供更加灵活的食物利用。 T. vorax的微小形态的细胞以非选择性方式以细菌,有机颗粒和有机溶质为食,而大型动物细胞是消耗特定猎物纤毛的捕食者。在当前的研究中,我们调查了巨孔T. vorax中吞噬作用和机械敏感性之间的可能关系。微小基质细胞似乎对机械刺激不敏感,而大型基质细胞响应于细胞前部的机械刺激而去极化。猎物纤毛虫或玻璃针推动5微米推动的受体电位的振幅足以引起再生Ca〜(2+)尖峰。两种形式的机械敏感性的差异与撞到障碍物时的游泳行为有关。微小的细胞沿着障碍物游泳,而宏观的细胞向后游泳,转向并恢复向前游泳。巨细胞阻止了向后游动,随后的转折未能捕获其袋中的猎物细胞。大型种细胞比异种微种细胞优先消耗异种猎物的纤毛。该选择性不是由于物理接触引起的电膜响应。微小口和巨头细胞都聚集在含有从异源猎物纤毛释放的推定物质的区域中,但该物质并未引起任何电生理膜反应。我们得出的结论是,巨基质细胞的机械敏感性与捕获猎物的行为有关,而选择性吞噬作用可能是由于对异种猎物纤毛的化学吸引。



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