首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Developmental dimorphism and expression of chemosensory-mediated behavior: Habitat selection by a specialist marine herbivore

Developmental dimorphism and expression of chemosensory-mediated behavior: Habitat selection by a specialist marine herbivore


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Developmental dimorphisms provide an opportunity to compare sensory systems and behavior patterns between different forms of a single species. Alternative morphs differing in dispersal ability often show behavioral differences that mediate life-history trade-offs. We measured the behavioral responses of both long-lived, feeding larvae and short-lived, non-feeding larvae of the specialist marine herbivore Alderia modesta during habitat selection. Larvae immediately responded to waterborne cues from the adult host algae by increasing their turning rate, by changing their swimming speed in the water and by moving in rapid hops or spiraling along the bottom. These behavior patterns retained larvae in areas where the dissolved cue was initially perceived, and prolonged exposure to the cue increased the percentage of larvae that initiated metamorphosis. Despite their differences in life span and trophic mode, both larval morphs displayed similar behavior patterns when stimulated by the waterborne cue. Long-lived larvae had a stronger response, however, suggesting that settlement behavior may offset the costs of a prolonged larval life. This is the first study to examine the effects of dimorphic development on chemosensory-mediated behavior. [References: 70]
机译:发育二态性提供了一个机会,可以比较单个物种不同形式之间的感觉系统和行为模式。分散能力不同的替代形态通常表现出介导生命历史权衡的行为差异。我们测量了栖息地选择过程中专业海洋草食动物Alderia modesta的长寿,摄食幼虫和短命,非摄食幼虫的行为响应。幼虫对成年寄主藻的水生线索立即作出反应,方法是提高它们的转动速度,改变它们在水中的游泳速度,快速跳动或沿着底部螺旋运动。这些行为模式将幼虫保留在最初发现有溶解线索的区域中,并且长时间暴露于该线索会增加引发变态的幼虫百分比。尽管它们的寿命和营养方式不同,但是两种幼体在受水基线索刺激时表现出相似的行为模式。长寿幼虫的反应更强,这表明沉降行为可能抵消了延长幼虫寿命的代价。这是第一个研究双态发展对化学感觉介导的行为的影响的研究。 [参考:70]



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