首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >High background noise shapes selective auditory filters in a tropical cricket

High background noise shapes selective auditory filters in a tropical cricket


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Because of call frequency overlap and masking interference, the airborne sound channel represents a limited resource for communication in a species-rich cricket community like the tropical rainforest. Here we studied the frequency tuning of an auditory neuron mediating phonotaxis in the rainforest cricket Paroecanthus podagrosus, suffering from strong competition, in comparison with the same homologous neuron in two species of European field crickets, where such competition does not exist. As predicted, the rainforest species exhibited a more selective tuning compared with the European counterparts. The filter reduced background nocturnal noise levels by 26. dB, compared with only 16 and 10. dB in the two European species. We also quantified the performance of the sensory filter under the different filter regimes by examining the representation of the species-specific amplitude modulation of the male calling song, when embedded in background noise. Again, the filter of the rainforest cricket performed significantly better in terms of representing this important signal parameter. The neuronal representation of the calling song pattern within receivers was maintained for a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios because of the more sharply tuned sensory system and selective attention mechanisms. Finally, the rainforest cricket also showed an almost perfect match between the filter for sensitivity and the peripheral filter for directional hearing, in contrast to its European counterparts. We discuss the consequences of these adaptations for intraspecific acoustic communication and reproductive isolation between species.
机译:由于通话频率重叠和掩盖干扰,空中声通道代表了在物种丰富的社区(例如热带雨林)中进行交流的有限资源。在这里,我们研究了在激烈竞争下的热带雨林Paroecanthus podagrosus中介导视错觉的听觉神经元的频率调谐,与不存在这种竞争的两种欧洲田中相同的同源神经元进行了比较。正如预测的那样,与欧洲的热带雨林相比,雨林物种的选择性更强。该滤波器将夜间背景噪音水平降低了26 dB,而在两个欧洲物种中,夜间噪声水平仅为16 dB和10 dB。我们还通过检查嵌入在背景噪声中的雄性主叫歌的特定物种幅度调制的表示,量化了在不同滤波器体制下的感官滤波器的性能。再次,雨林的过滤器在表示该重要信号参数方面表现明显更好。由于更精确地调整了感觉系统和选择性注意机制,因此可以在很大的信噪比范围内保持接收器中呼叫歌曲模式的神经元表示。最后,与欧洲同类产品相比,热带雨林板球在灵敏度过滤器和定向听觉外围过滤器之间也显示出几乎完美的匹配。我们讨论了这些适应对种内声音交流和物种间生殖隔离的影响。



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