首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Inhibition of glutamine synthetase during ammonia exposure in rainbow trout indicates a high reserve capacity to prevent brain ammonia toxicity

Inhibition of glutamine synthetase during ammonia exposure in rainbow trout indicates a high reserve capacity to prevent brain ammonia toxicity


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Glutamine synthetase (GSase), the enzyme that catalyses the conversion of glutamate and ammonia to glutamine, is present at high levels in vertebrate brain tissue and is thought to protect the brain from elevated ammonia concentrations. We tested the hypothesis that high brain GSase activity is critical in preventing accumulation of brain ammonia and glutamate during ammonia loading in the ammonia-intolerant rainbow trout. Trout pre-injected with saline or the GSase inhibitor methionine sulfoximine (MSOX, 6 mg kg(-1)), were exposed to 0, 670 or 1000 mu mol l(-1) NH4Cl in the water for 24 and 96 h. Brain ammonia levels were 3- to 6-fold higher in ammonia-exposed fish relative to control fish and MSOX treatment did not alter this. Brain GSase activity was unaffected by ammonia exposure, while MSOX inhibited GSase activity by similar to 75%. Brain glutamate levels were lower and glutamine levels were higher in fish exposed to ammonia relative to controls. While MSOX treatment had little impact on brain glutamate, glutamine levels were significantly reduced by 96 h. With ammonia treatment, significant changes in the concentration of multiple other brain amino acids occurred and these changes were mostly reversed or eliminated with MSOX. Overall the changes in amino acid levels suggest that multiple enzymatic pathways can supply glutamate for the production of glutamine via GSase during ammonia exposure and that alternative transaminase pathways can be recruited for ammonia detoxification. Plasma cortisol levels increased 7- to 15-fold at 24h in response to ammonia and MSOX did not exacerbate this stress response. These findings indicate that rainbow trout possess a relatively large reserve capacity for ammonia detoxification and for preventing glutamate accumulation during hyperammonaemic conditions.
机译:谷氨酰胺合成酶(GSase)是一种催化谷氨酸和氨转化为谷氨酰胺的酶,在脊椎动物的脑组织中含量很高,被认为可以保护大脑免受氨浓度升高的影响。我们测试了以下假设,即高脑GSase活性对于防止不耐氨的虹鳟鱼充氨期间防止脑中氨和谷氨酸的积累至关重要。将鳟鱼预先注射盐水或GSase抑制剂甲硫氨酸亚磺酰亚胺(MSOX,6 mg kg(-1)),使其在水中暴露于0、670或1000μmol l(-1)NH4Cl中24和96 h。相对于对照鱼,暴露于氨中的鱼脑中氨水平高出3到6倍,而MSOX处理并未改变。脑GSase活性不受氨暴露的影响,而MSOX抑制GSase活性的程度接近75%。相对于对照组,暴露于氨中的鱼的脑谷氨酸水平较低,而谷氨酰胺水平较高。尽管MSOX处理对脑谷氨酸的影响很小,但谷氨酰胺水平在96小时内显着降低。用氨水处理后,多种其他脑氨基酸的浓度发生了显着变化,而这些变化大部分被MSOX逆转或消除了。总的来说,氨基酸水平的变化表明,氨接触期间,多种酶途径可以通过GSase为谷氨酰胺的生产提供谷氨酸,可以招募替代的转氨酶途径进行氨解毒。响应氨气,血浆皮质醇水平在24h升高7至15倍,而MSOX并未加剧这种应激反应。这些发现表明虹鳟鱼具有较高的氨解毒储备能力,可以防止氨氮过多时谷氨酸的积累。



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