首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Heterothermy in small, migrating passerine birds during stopover: use of hypothermia at rest accelerates fuel accumulation

Heterothermy in small, migrating passerine birds during stopover: use of hypothermia at rest accelerates fuel accumulation


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For small endothermic animals, heterothermy serves as an energy-saving mechanism for survival in challenging environments, but it may also accelerate fat accumulation in individuals preparing for fuel-demanding activities. This is the first study to demonstrate adaptive hypothermic responses in migrating passerines. While monitoring body temperature (T(b)) of eight blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) by radiotelemetry, we found that during daytime T(b)=42.5+/-0.4 degrees C (mean +/- s.d.); at night T(b) decreased to a minimum between 33 and 40 degrees C. We determined the lower limit for normothermy at 37.4 degrees C and found that on 12 out of 34 bird-nights of observations under semi-natural conditions blackcaps reduced their T(b) below normothermic resting levels with minimum values of 33 and 34.5 degrees C compared with rest-phase normothermic T(b) of 38.8+/-0.8 degrees C. In birds of body mass (m(b)) <16.3 g, minimum T(b) at night correlated with the individual's m(b) (r=0.67, P<0.01, N=17), but this was not the case in birds with m(b)>16.3 g. Minimum nocturnal T(b) did not correlate with night-time air temperature (T(a)). Measurements of metabolic rate in birds subjected to a T(a) of 15 degrees C showed that hypothermia of this magnitude can lead to a reduction of some 30% in energy expenditure compared with birds remaining normothermic. Our data suggest that by reducing the T(b)-T(a) gradient, blackcaps accelerate their rate of fuel accumulation at a stopover. When body energy reserves are low blackcaps may achieve this reduction by entering hypothermia. Since hypothermia, as seen in blackcaps, may lead to significant energy savings and facilitate body mass gain, we predict that it is common among small migrating passerines.
机译:对于较小的吸热动物,异温热疗法是在挑战性环境中存活的节能机制,但它也可能会加速准备进行燃料需求活动的个人的脂肪堆积。这是第一个证明在迁移的雀碱中具有适应性低温反应的研究。在通过无线电遥测法监测八个黑cap(西氏针茅)的体温(T(b))的同时,我们发现在白天,T(b)= 42.5 +/- 0.4摄氏度(平均+/- s.d.);在夜间T(b)降至33至40摄氏度之间的最小值。我们确定了37.4摄氏度的常温下限,发现在半自然条件下34个鸟夜中有12个黑夜会降低黑帽的T (b)低于常温静止水平,最低温度为33和34.5摄氏度,而静止相常温T(b)为38.8 +/- 0.8摄氏度。在体重(m(b))<16.3 g的鸟类中,夜间的最低T(b)与个体的m(b)相关(r = 0.67,P <0.01,N = 17),但对于m(b)> 16.3 g的鸟类则不是这种情况。夜间最低T(b)与夜间气温(T(a))不相关。测量在15摄氏度的T(a)下的鸟类的代谢率表明,与保持常温的鸟类相比,如此低的体温可以减少大约30%的能量消耗。我们的数据表明,通过降低T(b)-T(a)梯度,黑帽在中途停留时会加速其燃料积累速率。当人体能量储备低时,黑cap可能会通过进入体温过低来实现这一目标。由于黑black中可能会出现体温过低的现象,这可能会节省大量能量并促进体重增加,因此我们预测,在小规模迁徙的er鱼中,这种现象很普遍。



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