首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Intense echolocation calls from two ;whispering' bats, Artibeus jamaicensis and Macrophyllum macrophyllum (Phyllostomidae)

Intense echolocation calls from two ;whispering' bats, Artibeus jamaicensis and Macrophyllum macrophyllum (Phyllostomidae)

机译:来自两只低语蝙蝠的强烈回声定位信号,即Artibeus jamaicensis和Macrophyllum macrophyllum(Phyllostomidae)

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Bats use echolocation to exploit a variety of habitats and food types. Much research has documented how frequency-time features of echolocation calls are adapted to acoustic constraints imposed by habitat and prey but emitted sound intensities have received little attention. Bats from the family of Phyllostomidae have been categorised as low intensity (whispering) gleaners, assumed to emit echolocation calls with low source levels (approximately 70 dB SPL measured 10 cm from the bat's mouth). We used a multi-microphone array to determine intensities emitted from two phyllostomid bats from Panama with entirely different foraging strategies. Macrophyllum macrophyllum hunts insects on the wing and gaffs them with its tail membrane and feet from or above water surfaces whereas Artibeus jamaicensis picks fruit from vegetation with its mouth. Recordings were made from bats foraging on the wing in a flight room. Both species emitted surprisingly intense signals with maximum source levels of 105 dB SPL r.m.s. for M. macrophyllum and 110 dB SPL r.m.s. for A. jamaicensis, hence much louder than a ;whisper'. M. macrophyllum was consistently loud (mean source level 101 dB SPL) whereas A. jamaicensis showed a much more variable output, including many faint calls and a mean source level of 96 dB SPL. Our results support increasing evidence that echolocating bats in general are much louder than previously thought. We discuss the importance of loud calls and large output flexibility for both species in an ecological context.
机译:蝙蝠利用回声定位来开发各种栖息地和食物类型。许多研究记录了回声定位呼叫的频率-时间特征如何适应栖息地和猎物施加的声学约束,但发出的声音强度却很少受到关注。竹节虫科的蝙蝠被归类为低强度(窃窃私语)的拾音器,假设它们发出的回声定位声源水平较低(距离蝙蝠嘴10 cm处测得的声压级约为70 dB)。我们使用了一个多麦克风阵列,通过完全不同的觅食策略确定了来自巴拿马的两个叶甲类蝙蝠发出的强度。大叶巨人在机翼上捕食昆虫,并用尾巴膜和脚从水面或高于水面的地方捕获昆虫,而阿比蒂斯牙买加用嘴巴从植物中采摘果实。记录是从蝙蝠在飞行室的机翼上觅食而制成的。两种物种均发出令人惊讶的强烈信号,最大源电平为105 dB SPL r.m.s.适用于大叶黄杨和110 dB SPL r.m.s.因此,它比“耳语”要响得多。大型沙门氏菌一直很响(平均声源水平为101 dB SPL),而Jamaicensis的输出变化更大,包括许多微弱的声响和96 dB SPL的平均声源水平。我们的结果支持越来越多的证据表明,通常将回声定位的蝙蝠比以前认为的要响亮得多。在生态环境中,我们讨论了两个物种大声喊叫和大输出灵活性的重要性。



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