首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Seawater Ca2+ concentration influences solar orientation in Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda)

Seawater Ca2+ concentration influences solar orientation in Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda)

机译:海水中的Ca2 +浓度会影响塔利特鲁盐沼(甲壳纲,两栖类)的太阳方向

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The role of salinity in the ecophysiology of many intertidal invertebrates has been extensively investigated. Calcium (Ca(2+)), magnesium (Mg(2+)), potassium (K(+)) and sodium (Na(+)) are the major constituents of seawater and it has been demonstrated that sandhoppers tested under the sun in diluted seawater (3.5 per thousand) head seaward, instead of going landward as expected. Therefore, the variation in seawater salinity (from 35 per thousand to 3.5 per thousand) influences their directional choice. This paper investigates the contribution of different cations to the sea-land directional choice of Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda) by the sun compass orientation mechanism. Results of releases carried out in basic seawater selectively deprived of Ca(2+), Mg(2+) or K(+) and containing the same concentration of Na(+) indicate that only the reduction in Ca(2+) concentration affects the capacity of solar orientation. The pH does not influence the directional choice of sandhoppers and nor do small variations in salinity in the range 32-39 per thousand. Moreover, the clear photopositive tendency registered in experiments of phototaxis in Ca(2+)-deprived seawater indicates that the absence of Ca(2+) does not affect the normal functioning of the visual cells. Therefore, our results show that Ca(2+) seawater concentration is important for the correct functioning of one of the principal mechanisms of orientation in supralittoral amphipods and it could affect their survival in the field.
机译:盐度在许多潮间带无脊椎动物的生态生理中的作用已得到广泛研究。钙(Ca(2+)),镁(Mg(2+)),钾(K(+))和钠(Na(+))是海水的主要成分,已证明在阳光下测试的沙hopper在稀释的海水中(千分之3.5)向海行驶,而不是按预期的方式向陆行驶。因此,海水盐度的变化(从35千分之一到3.5千分之一)会影响其方向选择。本文通过太阳罗盘定向机制研究了不同阳离子对塔利特斯盐沼(甲壳纲,两栖类)海陆方向选择的贡献。在选择性剥夺Ca(2 +),Mg(2+)或K(+)且含有相同Na(+)浓度的基本海水中进行的释放结果表明,仅Ca(2+)浓度的降低会影响太阳定向能力。 pH值不会影响沙漏的方向选择,盐度的微小变化也不会影响千分之32-39。而且,在缺乏Ca(2+)的海水中进行趋光性实验中记录的明确的光阳性倾向表明,缺乏Ca(2+)不会影响视觉细胞的正常功能。因此,我们的研究结果表明,Ca(2+)的海水浓度对于正确的功能是重要的方向上的主要机制之一,在上肢两栖动物中,并且可能影响它们在野外的生存。



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