首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >What extent might N-2 limit dive performance in king penguins?

What extent might N-2 limit dive performance in king penguins?


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A mathematical model was used to explore if elevated levels of N-2, and risk of decompression sickness (DCS), could limit dive performance ( duration and depth) in king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). The model allowed prediction of blood and tissue ( central circulation, muscle, brain and fat) N-2 tensions (P-N2) based on different cardiac outputs and blood flow distributions. Estimated mixed venous P-N2 agreed with values observed during forced dives in a compression chamber used to validate the assumptions of the model. During bouts of foraging dives, estimated mixed venous and tissue PN2 increased as the bout progressed. Estimated mean maximum mixed venous P-N2 upon return to the surface after a dive was 4.56 +/- 0.18 atmospheres absolute ( ATA; range: 4.37-4.78 ATA). This is equivalent to N-2 levels causing a 50% DCS incidence in terrestrial animals of similar mass. Bout termination events were not associated with extreme mixed venous N-2 levels. Fat P-N2 was positively correlated with bout duration and the highest estimated fat P-N2 occurred at the end of a dive bout. The model suggested that short and shallow dives occurring between dive bouts help to reduce supersaturation and thereby DCS risk. Furthermore, adipose tissue could also help reduce DCS risk during the first few dives in a bout by functioning as a sink to buffer extreme levels of N-2.
机译:使用数学模型探讨了升高的N-2水平和减压病(DCS)的风险是否会限制企鹅国王(Aptenodytes patagonicus)的潜水表现(持续时间和深度)。该模型可以根据不同的心输出量和血流分布预测血液和组织(中央循环,肌肉,大脑和脂肪)N-2张力(P-N2)。估计的混合静脉P-N2与在用于验证模型假设的压缩室内强制潜水期间观察到的值一致。在觅食潜水的回合期间,随着回合的进行,估计混合的静脉和组织PN2会增加。潜水后返回水面时,估计最大平均混合静脉P-N2为4.56 +/- 0.18大气压绝对值(ATA;范围:4.37-4.78 ATA)。这等效于N-2水平,在类似质量的陆生动物中引起50%的DCS发生。发作终止事件与极端混合静脉N-2水平无关。脂肪P-N2与回合持续时间呈正相关,最高估计脂肪P-N2发生在潜水回合结束时。该模型表明,在两次跳水之间进行的短而浅的跳水有助于降低过饱和,从而降低DCS风险。此外,脂肪组织还可以充当缓冲剂来缓冲极端水平的N-2,从而在回合的前几次跳水中也有助于降低DCS风险。



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