首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Morphological diversity of medusan lineages constrained by animal-fluid interactions

Morphological diversity of medusan lineages constrained by animal-fluid interactions


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Cnidarian medusae, commonly known as jellyfish, represent the earliest known animal taxa to achieve locomotion using muscle power. Propulsion by medusae requires the force of bell contraction to generate forward thrust. However, thrust production is limited in medusae by the primitive structure of their epitheliomuscular cells. This paper demonstrates that constraints in available locomotor muscular force result in a trade-off between high-thrust swimming via jet propulsion and high-efficiency swimming via a combined jet-paddling propulsion. This trade-off is reflected in the morphological diversity of medusae, which exhibit a range of fineness ratios (i.e. the ratio between bell height and diameter) and small body size in the high-thrust regime, and low fineness ratios and large body size in the high-efficiency regime. A quantitative model of the animal-fluid interactions that dictate this trade-off is developed and validated by comparison with morphological data collected from 660 extant medusan species ranging in size from 300 microm to over 2 m. These results demonstrate a biomechanical basis linking fluid dynamics and the evolution of medusan bell morphology. We believe these to be the organising principles for muscle-driven motility in Cnidaria.
机译:千头水母,通常被称为水母,是最早的利用肌肉力量实现运动的动物类群。水母的推进需要钟形收缩力来产生向前的推力。然而,在美杜莎中,推力的产生受到其上皮肌细胞原始结构的限制。本文表明,可用运动肌力的限制导致在通过喷气推进的高推力游泳与通过联合喷气戏水推进的高效游泳之间的权衡。这种权衡反映在水母的形态多样性上,在高推力条件下,水母具有多种细度比(即钟形高度与直径之比)和较小的体型,而细度比较低且在大推力状态下具有较大的体型。高效体制。通过与从660种现存的medusan物种收集的形态学数据(从300微米到2 m以上不等)收集的形态数据进行比较,开发并验证了决定这种平衡的动物-流体相互作用的定量模型。这些结果证明了将流体动力学与medusan钟形的演变联系起来的生物力学基础。我们相信这些是猪鞭草的肌肉驱动运动的组织原则。



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