首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Acoustic behaviour of echolocating porpoises during prey capture

Acoustic behaviour of echolocating porpoises during prey capture


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Porpoise echolocation has been studied previously, mainly in target detection experiments using stationed animals and steel sphere targets, but little is known about the acoustic behaviour of free-swimming porpoises echolocating for prey. Here, we used small onboard sound and orientation recording tags to study the echolocation behaviour of free-swimming trained porpoises as they caught dead, freely drifting fish. We analysed porpoise echolocation behaviour leading up to and following prey capture events, including variability in echolocation in response to vision restriction, prey species, and individual porpoise tested. The porpoises produced echolocation clicks as they searched for the fish, followed by fast-repetition-rate clicks (echolocation buzzes) when acquiring prey. During buzzes, which usually began when porpoises were about 1-2 body lengths from prey, tag-recorded click levels decreased by about 10 dB, click rates increased to over 300 clicks per second, and variability in body orientation (roll) increased. Buzzes generally continued beyond the first contact with the fish, and often extended until or after the end of prey handling. This unexplained continuation of buzzes after prey capture raises questions about the function of buzzes, suggesting that in addition to providing detailed information on target location during the capture, they may serve additional purposes such as the relocation of potentially escaping prey. We conclude that porpoises display the same overall acoustic prey capture behaviour seen in larger toothed whales in the wild, albeit at a faster pace, clicking slowly during search and approach phases and buzzing during prey capture.
机译:以前已经对海豚回声定位进行了研究,主要是在使用固定动物和钢球目标的目标检测实验中进行的研究,但是对于自由游泳的海豚回声定位猎物的声学行为知之甚少。在这里,我们使用小型机载声音和方位记录标签来研究自由游泳训练的海豚捕获死的自由漂流鱼时的回声定位行为。我们分析了导致和捕获猎物事件之前和之后的海豚回声定位行为,包括响应视力限制,猎物种类和测试的单个海豚的回声定位变化。海豚在搜寻鱼时产生回声定位咔嗒声,然后在捕获猎物时产生快速重复率的咔嗒声(回声嗡嗡声)。在嗡嗡声期间,通常是从海豚离猎物约1-2体长开始,标签记录的咔嗒声水平降低约10 dB,咔嗒声增加到每秒超过300次咔嗒声,并且身体方向(滚动)的变化性增加。嗡嗡声通常会持续到首次与鱼类的接触以外,并且通常持续到猎物处理结束或结束之后。捕获猎物后蜂鸣声的这种无法解释的持续性引发了有关蜂鸣功能的问题,这表明,除了在捕获过程中提供有关目标位置的详细信息外,它们还可以用于其他目的,例如重新定位可能逃脱的猎物。我们得出的结论是,海豚表现出与野生大型齿鲸相同的整体猎物捕获行为,尽管其速度更快,在搜索和接近阶段缓慢地单击,在捕获猎物时嗡嗡作响。



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