首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Vocal fold elasticity of the Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) - producing high fundamental frequency vocalization with a very long vocal fold.

Vocal fold elasticity of the Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) - producing high fundamental frequency vocalization with a very long vocal fold.

机译:落基山麋鹿(Cervus elaphus nelsoni)的人声折叠弹性-产生很高的基频发声和非常长的人声折叠。

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The vocal folds of male Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) are about 3 cm long. If fundamental frequency were to be predicted by a simple vibrating string formula, as is often done for the human larynx, such long vocal folds would bear enormous stress to produce the species-specific mating call with an average fundamental frequency of 1 kHz. Predictions would be closer to 50 Hz. Vocal fold histology revealed the presence of a large vocal ligament between the vocal fold epithelium and the thyroarytenoid muscle. In tensile tests, the stress-strain response of vocal fold epithelium and the vocal ligament were determined. Elasticity of both tissue structures reached quantitative values similar to human tissue. It seems unlikely that the longitudinal stress in elk vocal folds can exceed that in human vocal folds by an order of magnitude to overcome the drop in fundamental frequency due to a 3:1 increase in vocal fold length. Alternative hypotheses of how the elk produces high fundamental frequency utterances, despite its very long vocal fold, include a reduced effective vocal fold length in vibration, either due to bending properties along the vocal fold, or by actively moving the boundary point with muscle stiffening. The relationships between an individual's average fundamental frequency, vocal fold length and body size are discussed.
机译:雄性落基山麋鹿(Cervus elaphus nelsoni)的声带长约3厘米。如果要通过一个简单的振动弦公式来预测基频,就像人类的喉咙通常所做的那样,那么如此长的声带将承受巨大的压力,以产生平均基频为1 kHz的特定物种的交配声。预测将接近50 Hz。声带组织学检查显示,在声带上皮和甲状腺素样肌之间存在大声带。在拉伸测试中,确定了声带上皮和声带的应力-应变响应。两种组织结构的弹性均达到与人体组织相似的定量值。似乎无法克服麋声带的纵向应力超过人类声带的纵向应力一个数量级的优势,以克服由于声带长度增加3:1而导致的基本频率下降。尽管其声折非常长,但麋鹿如何产生高基频发声的其他假设包括:振动的有效声折长度减少,这可能是由于沿声折的弯曲特性,或者是随着肌肉僵硬而主动移动了边界点。讨论了一个人的平均基本频率,声带长度和身体大小之间的关系。



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