首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Temperature dependent modulation of lobster neuromuscular properties by serotonin

Temperature dependent modulation of lobster neuromuscular properties by serotonin


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In cold-blooded species the efficacy of neuromuscular function depends both on the thermal environmental of the animal's habitat and on the concentrations of modulatory hormones circulating within the animal's body. The goal of this study is to examine how temperature variation within an ecologically relevant range affects neuromuscular function and its modulation by the neurohormone serotonin (5-HT) in Homarus americanus, a lobster species that inhabits a broad thermal range in the wild. The synaptic strength of the excitatory and inhibitory motoneurons innervating the lobster dactyl opener muscle depends on temperature, with the strongest neurally evoked muscle movements being elicited at cold (< 5 degrees C) temperatures. However, whereas neurally evoked contractions can be elicited over the entire temperature range from 2 to > 20 degrees C, neurally evoked relaxations of resting muscle tension are effective only at colder temperatures at which the inhibitory junction potentials are hyperpolarizing in polarity. 5-HT has two effects on inhibitory synaptic signals: it potentiates their amplitude and also shifts the temperature at which they reverse polarity by approximately +7 degrees C. Thus 5-HT both potentiates neurally evoked relaxations of the muscle and increases the temperature range over which neurally evoked muscle relaxations can be elicited. Neurally evoked contractions are maximally potentiated by 5-HT at warm (18 degrees C) temperatures; however, 5-HT enhances excitatory junction potentials in a temperature-independent manner. Finally, 5-HT strongly increases resting muscle tension at the coldest extent of the temperature range tested (2 degrees C) but is ineffective at 22 degrees C. These data demonstrate that 5-HT elicits several temperature-dependent physiological changes in the passive and active responses of muscle to neural input. The overall effect of 5-HT is to increase the temperature range over which neurally evoked motor movements can be elicited in this neuromuscular system.
机译:在冷血物种中,神经肌肉功能的功效既取决于动物栖息地的热环境,也取决于动物体内循环的调节激素的浓度。这项研究的目的是研究在生态相关范围内的温度变化如何影响美洲大螯虾(Homarus americanus)中的神经激素5-羟色胺(5-HT)对神经肌肉的功能及其调节作用,美国大螯虾是一种在野生环境中生活在很大温度范围内的龙虾。支配龙虾仙人掌开放肌肉的兴奋性和抑制性运动神经元的突触强度取决于温度,在寒冷(<5摄氏度)的温度下,神经诱发的肌肉运动最强。但是,尽管可以在2到> 20摄氏度的整个温度范围内引发神经诱发的收缩,但是神经诱发的静息肌张力松弛仅在较冷的温度有效,在该温度下抑制性连接电位在极性上超极化。 5-HT对抑制性突触信号有两种作用:它会增强其幅度,并使它们反转极性时的温度移动大约+7摄氏度。因此,5-HT会增强神经诱发的肌肉松弛,并增加温度范围。可以引起神经诱发的肌肉松弛。 5-HT在温暖的温度(18摄氏度)下可最大程度地增强神经诱发的收缩。然而,5-HT以与温度无关的方式增强了兴奋性结电位。最后,5-HT在测试温度范围的最冷范围(2摄氏度)下会极大地增加静息肌张力,但在22摄氏度下无效。这些数据表明,5-HT在被动和被动状态下引起数种与温度有关的生理变化。肌肉对神经输入的积极反应。 5-HT的总体作用是增加可在该神经肌肉系统中引发神经诱发的运动的温度范围。



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