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Powell & Lealand Low Power Achromatic Condenser


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The firm of Powell & Lealand was renowned in the Victorian period for striving for perfection in all aspects of the microscopes they produced. This included not only their objectives but also the substage condensers provided with their stands for the illumination of the specimens. It was recognised from the introduction of achromatic objectives, that a well-corrected condenser was needed for optimum image formation by precise control of the illumination. E M Nelson in his influential contribution to The Microscope and its Revelations [1], stressed the importance of freedom from spherical aberration in condensers, and that their aplanatic aperture should be as close as possible to their full aperture. In order to meet this need Powell Lealand introduced their achromatic condenser in 1857 with a numerical aperture close to unity, and produced an improved version in 1878 (Fig.1). Nelson [2] described this as 'the best ever introduced'. With the aim of further improvements P & L produced apochromatic condensers in 1891, added a correction collar to allow for variations in slide thickness in 1895 [3], and produced achromatic oil immersion condensers in1886 (Fig.2).
机译:Powell&Lealand公司在维多利亚时代以在其所生产显微镜的各个方面追求完美而著称。这不仅包括其物镜,还包括具有用于照明样品的支架的台下聚光镜。从消色差物镜的引入中认识到,需要一个经过正确校正的聚光镜,以通过精确控制照明来获得最佳图像。 E M Nelson在他的《显微镜及其启示》 [1]中的重要贡献中,强调了在聚光镜中摆脱球差的重要性,其平视孔径应尽可能接近其全孔径。为了满足这一需求,鲍威尔·利兰德于1857年推出了其消色差聚光镜,其数值孔径接近于1,并在1878年生产了改进版(图1)。尼尔森[2]将其描述为“有史以来最好的介绍”。为了进一步改进,P&L在1891年生产了复消色差聚光镜,在1895年增加了校正环以允许滑动厚度的变化[3],并在1886年生产了消色差油浸聚光镜(图2)。



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