首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Physiology >Inverted photocurrent responses from amphibian rod photoreceptors: role of membrane voltage in response recovery.

Inverted photocurrent responses from amphibian rod photoreceptors: role of membrane voltage in response recovery.


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We recorded photocurrent responses of retinal rods isolated from cane toads Bufo marinus and clawed frogs Xenopus laevis. With the outer segment drawn part way into the suction pipette, presentation of flashes to the base of the outer segment (outside the pipette) elicited a slow inverted response. Stimulation of the same region, with the outer segment drawn fully in, gave a response of conventional polarity. For moderate to bright flashes a fast transient preceded the slow inverted response. Upon bleaching the tip of the outer segment, the slow inverted response was abolished but the fast initial transient remained, and we attribute this fast component to a capacitive current. Experiments employing simultaneous whole-cell patch-clamp and suction pipette recording revealed that both the fast and slow components of the inverted responses were absent in voltage-clamped cells. In current-clamped cells the slow inverted current response was delayed substantially with respect to the voltage response. We present a computational model for the slow component, in which hyperpolarization leads to increased activity of the Na+ -Ca2+, K+ exchanger, hence lowering the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration, activating guanylyl cyclase, raising cyclic GMP concentration, opening cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, and increasing circulating current in the unstimulated region. For the measured voltage response to stimulation of the base, we solve these equations to predict the photocurrent in the tip, and obtain an adequate explanation of the inverted responses. Our work suggests a novel role for membrane voltage in accelerating the inactivation phase of the response to light.
机译:我们记录了从蟾蜍蟾蜍和爪蛙非洲爪蟾分离的视网膜棒的光电流反应。将外部片段部分地吸入吸液管中,将闪光呈现到外部片段的底部(移液管外部)会引起缓慢的倒置响应。外部区域完全拉入时,对同一区域的刺激产生了常规极性的响应。对于中等到明亮的闪烁,在缓慢的反向响应之前先有一个快速的瞬变。漂白外部段的尖端后,缓慢的反向响应被取消,但仍保留了快速的初始瞬态,我们将此快速分量归因于电容性电流。使用同时进行全细胞膜片钳和吸液管记录的实验表明,电压钳制的细胞中既不存在快速反应的速度响应,也没有缓慢反应的缓慢成分。在电流钳制的电池中,相对于电压响应,缓慢的反向电流响应被大大延迟了。我们为慢速组件提供了一种计算模型,其中超极化导致Na + -Ca2 +,K +交换子的活性增加,从而降低了细胞质Ca2 +的浓度,激活了鸟苷酸环化酶,提高了环GMP的浓度,打开了环核苷酸门控通道,并在非受激区域增加循环电流。对于测得的对基极刺激的电压响应,我们求解这些方程式以预测尖端的光电流,并获得对反向响应的充分解释。我们的工作表明膜电压在加速对光响应的失活阶段中具有新作用。



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