首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse >Source of prescription drugs used nonmedically in rural and urban populations

Source of prescription drugs used nonmedically in rural and urban populations


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Background: Unintentional overdose deaths due to nonmedical use of prescription drugs disproportionately impact rural over urban settings in the United States. Sources of these prescriptions may play a factor. Objective: This study examines the relationships between rurality and source of prescription drugs used nonmedically. Methods: Using data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2008-2010 (n=10693), we examined bivariate and multivariate associations of socio-demographic and clinical correlates and source (physician or non-physician) of prescription drugs (opioid, sedative, tranquilizer, or stimulant) used nonmedically among urban and rural residents. We also examined the type of prescription drugs used nonmedically among urban and rural residents by source. Results: Among respondents reporting past year nonmedical use of prescription medications, 18.9% of urban residents and 17.5% of rural residents had a physician source for drugs used nonmedically. Likelihood of physician source for urban and rural residents was increased in Hispanic, insured individuals and those with any prescription drug dependence. Rural residents who had a non-physician source were more likely than urban residents with a non-physician source to use hydrocodone (49% vs. 43.3%, p=0.05), morphine (17.7% vs. 14.0%, p=0.04), tramadol products (18.1% vs. 11.2%, p=0.003), and methadone (17.2% vs. 10.9%, p=0.001). Conclusion: Urban and rural individuals with nonmedical use of prescription drugs are equally likely to obtain these prescriptions from a physician source. Some factors associated with obtaining prescription drugs from a physician source differed between these populations, which may have implications for public health approaches to addressing problems such as overdose.
机译:背景:在美国,非处方药的非医疗使用造成的意外过量死亡严重影响了农村地区和城市地区。这些处方的来源可能起到一定作用。目的:本研究探讨了农村地区与非医学用处方药来源之间的关系。方法:我们使用《 2008-2010年美国药物滥用与健康调查》(n = 10693)中的数据,研究了社会人口统计学和临床​​相关因素以及处方药(阿片类药物,非阿片类药物)的来源(医师或非医师)的二元和多元关联镇静剂,镇静剂或兴奋剂)在城市和农村居民中非医学使用。我们还按来源检查了城乡居民非医学使用的处方药类型。结果:在报告过去一年非处方药使用的受访者中,有18.9%的城市居民和17.5%的农村居民有非处方药的医生来源。西班牙裔,被保险人和任何处方药依赖者的城市和农村居民的医生来访可能性增加。具有非医生来源的农村居民比具有非医生来源的城市居民更可能使用氢可酮(49%比43.3%,p = 0.05),吗啡(17.7%比14.0%,p = 0.04)。 ,曲马多产品(18.1%对11.2%,p = 0.003)和美沙酮(17.2%对10.9%,p = 0.001)。结论:使用非处方药的城市和农村个人同样有可能从医生那里获得这些处方。在这些人群之间,与从医生那里获得处方药有关的一些因素有所不同,这可能对解决诸如过量用药等问题的公共卫生方法产生影响。



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