首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America >Unsupervised bird song syllable classification using evolving neural networks

Unsupervised bird song syllable classification using evolving neural networks


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Evolution of bird vocalizations is subjected to selection pressure related to their functions. Passerine bird songs are also under a neutral model of evolution because of the learning process supporting their transmission; thus they contain signals of individual, population, and species relationships. In order to retrieve this information, large amounts of data need to be processed. From vocalization recordings, songs are extracted and encoded as sequences of syllables before being compared. Encoding songs in such a way can be done either by ear and spectrogram visual analysis or by specific algorithms permitting reproducible studies. Here, a specific automatic method is presented to compute a syllable distance measure allowing an unsupervised classification of song syllables. Results obtained from the encoding of White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis) songs are compared to human-based analysis. (C) 2008 Acoustical Society of America.
机译:鸟类发声的演变受到与其功能有关的选择压力。雀形鸟的歌声由于其传播的学习过程也处于中立的进化模型中。因此,它们包含个体,种群和物种关系的信号。为了检索此信息,需要处理大量数据。在比较之前,从发声录音中提取歌曲并将其编码为音节序列。可以通过耳朵和频谱图的可视化分析,或通过允许可重复研究的特定算法来完成对歌曲的编码。在这里,提出了一种特定的自动方法来计算音节距离量度,从而实现对歌曲音节的无监督分类。将从白冠麻雀(Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis)歌曲的编码中获得的结果与基于人的分析进行比较。 (C)2008年美国声学学会。



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