首页> 外文期刊>The Lichenologist >Habitat conditions and host tree properties affect the occurrence, abundance and fertility of the endangered lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in wooded meadows of Estonia

Habitat conditions and host tree properties affect the occurrence, abundance and fertility of the endangered lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in wooded meadows of Estonia


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We assessed multiple environmental factors that might influence the population vitality of the epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria at the individual tree and habitat levels in partially overgrown wooded meadows in Estonia. A total of 301 trees of four species were sampled at nine study plots, using a stratified factorial scheme, 151 colonized by L. pulmonaria and 150 not colonized by L. pulmonaria forming the control group. We used the Generalized Linear Models (GLZ) to identify a complex of factors which predicts the probability of the lichen occurring on tree trunks and the presence of apothecia on its individuals. We employed the General Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) to study the relationship between cover of L. pulmonaria and environmental factors. The occurrence probability of L. pulmonaria on tree trunks increased with increasing light availability and height of deciduous shrubs near the trunk, and decreased with increasing distance to the nearest colonized tree. The host tree species and its trunk properties were also of importance, particularly the facilitating effect of the cover of bryophytes upon L. pulmonaria. The probability of occurrence of apothecia increased with maximum values of bark pH and cover of L. pulmonaria on the trunk. We conclude that partially overgrown wooded meadows are suitable habitats for L. pulmonaria. However, to maintain the vitality of these populations, a specific management scheme, preventing development of a dense stand, should be applied. Management requirements would include 1) selective cutting of overgrowing coniferous trees (particularly spruce), 2) preservation of adult and younger potential host trees within 10-20 m of colonized trees, 3) preservation of scattered deciduous shrubs in the vicinity of the host trees.
机译:我们评估了多种环境因素,这些环境因素可能会影响爱沙尼亚部分过度生长的树木繁茂的草地上的附生地衣地衣肺小球菌肺活种群的个体树势和栖息地水平。使用分层析因方案,在9个研究地块中对总共301种4种树进行了采样,其中151例被L. pulmonaria殖民,而150例未被L. pulmonaria殖民,形成了对照组。我们使用广义线性模型(GLZ)来确定一系列复杂的因素,这些因素可预测树干上发生地衣的可能性以及个体上存在的紫杉病。我们采用通用线性混合模型(GLMM)来研究肺炎克雷伯菌的覆盖率与环境因素之间的关系。树干上的L. pulmonaria发生概率随光利用率的增加和树干附近落叶灌木的高度的增加而增加,而随着距最近的定居树的距离增加而降低。寄主树种及其树干特性也很重要,特别是苔藓植物的覆盖对肺炎链球菌的促进作用。随着树皮pH值的最大值和树干上肺炎克雷伯菌(L. pulmonaria)的覆盖,出现紫胶病的可能性增加。我们得出的结论是,部分长满的树木繁茂的草地是肺炎劳德氏菌的合适栖息地。但是,为了维持这些种群的生命力,应采用防止茂密林分发育的特定管理方案。管理要求将包括:1)选择性砍伐过度生长的针叶树(特别是云杉); 2)在定植的树木10-20 m之内保存成年和较年轻的寄主树; 3)在寄主树附近保存分散的落叶灌木。



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