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The Mineral Collection of Eleanore von Raab

机译:Eleonore von Raab的矿物收藏

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The rare collection catalog of Eleonore de Raab, published in 1790, is well-known among collectors of antiquarian mineralogical literature. In Wendell Wilson's recent article, "An historical look at women in mineral collecting," he reports the following background: Eleonore de Raab ... became an enthusiastic mineral collector in her youth through the influence of her scholarly mentor, Ignaz von Born. With his help she formed a beautiful mineral collection consisting of about 2,500 small, carefully chosen specimens, many of which were gifts from Born. In 1791 De Raab purchased a suite of 41 mostly Cornish specimens from the English collector Philip Rashleigh. She carefully avoided duplication, and restricted herself to specimens of miniature size. She kept precise information on localities, and arranged her collection according to the systematic mineralogies of her day. In 1793, two years after Born's death, her collection was sold to the banker and art collector Count Moritz von Fries (1777-1826) in Vienna for 3000 ducats.
机译:1790年出版的Eleonore de Raab稀有珍藏目录在古代矿物学文献收藏家中广为人知。在温德尔·威尔逊(Wendell Wilson)最近的文章“对矿物收集中的妇女的历史观察”中,他报道了以下背景:Eleonore de Raab ...在她的学术导师伊格纳兹·冯·博恩(Ignaz von Born)的影响下,成为了年轻时热情的矿物收集者。在他的帮助下,她形成了一个美丽的矿物收藏品,其中包括约2500个经过精心挑选的小型标本,其中许多是Born的礼物。 1791年,德·拉布(De Raab)从英国收藏家菲利普·拉什利(Philip Rashleigh)购买了41套大部分为康沃尔的标本。她小心翼翼地避免重复,并将自己局限于微型样本。她保留了有关当地的准确信息,并根据当时的系统矿物学来整理收藏。 1793年,即博恩(Born)逝世两年后,她的收藏以3000杜卡的价格卖给了维也纳的银行家和艺术收藏家伯爵莫里兹·冯·弗里斯伯爵(1777-1826)。



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