首页> 外文期刊>The journals of gerontology.Series A. Biological sciences and medical sciences >Multiple hormonal deficiencies in anabolic hormones are found in frail older women: the Women's Health and Aging studies.

Multiple hormonal deficiencies in anabolic hormones are found in frail older women: the Women's Health and Aging studies.


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BACKGROUND: Alterations in anabolic hormones are theorized to contribute to aging and frailty, with most studies focusing on the relationship between individual hormones and specific age-associated diseases. We hypothesized that associations with frailty would most likely manifest in the presence of deficits in multiple anabolic hormones. METHODS: The relationships of serum levels of total IGF-1, DHEAS, and free testosterone (T) with frailty status (nonfrail, prefrail, or frail) were analyzed in 494 women aged 70-79 years enrolled in the Women's Health and Aging Studies I or II. Using multivariate polytomous regression, we calculated the odds of frailty for deficiency in each hormone (defined as the bottom quartile of the hormone) individually, as well as for a count of the hormones. RESULTS: For each hormone, in adjusted analyses, those with the deficiency were more likely to be frail than those without the deficiency, although this did not achieve statistical significance (IGF-1: odds ratio [OR] 1.82, confidence interval [CI] 0.81-4.08; DHEAS: OR 1.68, CI 0.77-3.69; free T: OR 2.03, CI 0.89-4.64). Compared with those with no hormonal deficiencies, those with one deficiency were not more likely to be frail (OR 1.15, CI 0.49-2.68), whereas those with two or three deficiencies had a very high likelihood of being frail (OR 2.79, CI 1.06-7.32), in adjusted models. CONCLUSIONS: The absolute burden of anabolic hormonal deficiencies is a stronger predictor of frailty status than the type of hormonal deficiency, and the relationship is nonlinear. These analyses suggest generalized endocrine dysfunction in the frailty syndrome.
机译:背景:从理论上讲,合成代谢激素的改变会导致衰老和虚弱,大多数研究着重于个别激素与特定的年龄相关疾病之间的关系。我们假设与虚弱的联系最有可能表现在多种合成代谢激素缺乏的情况下。方法:分析了494位70-79岁女性健康和衰老研究中的女性的血清IGF-1,DHEAS和游离睾丸激素(T)水平与虚弱状态(非虚弱,虚弱或虚弱)的关系。我或我。使用多元多元回归分析,我们分别计算了每种激素(定义为激素的最低四分位数)中缺乏素的虚弱几率。结果:对于每种激素,在调整后的分析中,具有缺陷的人比没有缺陷的人更脆弱,尽管这没有达到统计学意义(IGF-1:优势比[OR] 1.82,置信区间[CI] 0.81-4.08; DHEAS:OR 1.68,CI 0.77-3.69;游离T:OR 2.03,CI 0.89-4.64)。与没有荷尔蒙缺乏症的人相比,具有一种缺乏症的人更不容易虚弱(OR 1.15,CI 0.49-2.68),而具有两种或三种缺乏症的人极有可能虚弱(OR 2.79,CI 1.06) -7.32),在调整后的模型中。结论:合成代谢激素缺乏的绝对负担比激素缺乏类型更能预测脆弱状态,并且这种关系是非线性的。这些分析表明,体弱综合症的内分泌功能障碍普遍存在。



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